Sunday, May 08, 2011

Seeking the Soul of America

We return the Declaration of Independence to our bookshelf placing it, "A," "B," "C," "D," "Da," yes there, right after the lyrics to "Dancing Queen" and take up the business end of the Founding Father's vision, the Constitution.  Oooh yeah.

The Founding Fathers gave their new citizens religious freedom not because they (the Fathers) believed in God so much but because they did so little.

In prohibiting the establishment of a national religion, in separating eccliastical power from political power and in placing so much power in the citizenry, the F.F.'s killed God.  From omnipotent to impotent, a god without power is no God.  "How many divisions does the Pope have?" is a meaningful view of the new way that the New World was.

It would not last.