Friday, April 18, 2014

It is Friday, the weekly Muslim holy day, which we honor per our custom...

...Thank you. Today, the Muslim Sabbath also falls on one of the holiest days in the Christian calendar, Good Friday, and during the sacred Jewish festival of Passover, to whom observers of each our Muslim brethren and sistren wish a sincere "Molotov." We here at Public Occurrences honor Muslims who honor Christians and Jews and reciprocate the sentiment.

We honor Christians who honor the great religions of Islam and Judaisim,

thank you, who do such credit to their own religion and to the advantages of successive generations of inbreeding.

And we honor Jews who honor Christianity and Islam, like Dr. Steven Greenblatt, Stevie take a bow...
...Thank you, who see in the endlessly reiterated images of the bloody murdered Christian son of God beauty so affecting that it makes them want to go out and get hair implants, which they do, accounts of which in the King James Bible throw them into dramatic ecstasy, as they do Dr. Harold Bloom. Harold...
Thank you. Thank you all. And thanks to Public Occurrences pageviewers from me, Benjamin Harris: