Saturday, April 19, 2014

Professor Putin's History Class.

In his 2005 class lecture Professor Putin said:

"Above all, we should acknowledge that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a major geopolitical disaster of the century."
Teacher! Teacher! For whom? Not for Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Germany, etc. etc. & etc. I'm missing others Teacher, but for those mentioned and those not mentioned, I'll mention one more, Russia, the fall of your totalitarian predecessor was the lancing of a  boil on the anus of mankind. The pus of the contamination that is the Russian people was drained from the world body. The world was, and is, a healthier place and would be still healthier if the Russian people had never existed. Would be healthier permanently if every Russian-speaking person disappeared, preferably in a nuclear fireball, which may come teacher!

 "Above all else Russia was, is and will, of course, be a major European power. Achieved through much suffering by European culturethe ideals of freedom, human rights, justice and democracy have for many centuries been our society's determining values.

For three centuries, we – together with the other European nations – passed hand in hand through reforms of Enlightenment, the difficulties of emerging parliamentarism, municipal and judiciary branches, and the establishment of similar legal systems. Step by step, we moved together toward recognizing and extending human rights, toward universal and equal suffrage, toward understanding the need to look after the weak and the impoverished, toward women's emancipation, and other social gains.
I repeat we did this together, sometimes behind and sometimes ahead of European standards."
Teacher! Teacher! Your country did not participate in the Enlightenment, your vodka-besotted people's hands were on the bottle, filled with essence of rye or petrol; your Molotov cocktail is your signature contribution to world culture. While the Western democracies mastered the "difficulties" of parliamentarism, the Russian people's hands were on rifles and pistols and bayonets, shooting, stabbing, and bludgeoning your Czar and his family in Yekaterinburg and burying their mutilated corpses in a mine shaft. From there Professor Putin you and the Russian people constructed your monstrous Soviet blot on mankind's history, man-making the famine in Ukraine, "extending human rights" via typically creative Russian enterprises like the gulag archipelago, and giving the benefits of steel to the humans in Eastern Europe. You and the Russian people were "ahead of European standards" only in the extension of the human right to slavery.
Very soon, on May 9, we shall celebrate the 60th anniversary of victory. This day can be justly called the day of civilisation’s triumph over fascism. Our common victory enabled us to defend the principles of freedom, independence and equality between all peoples and nations.
From 1939-1941 your predecessor and your people tried to win the heart and the friendship of 
Herr Hitler. It was to be ten years of peace between the freedom-loving peoples of the Third Reich 
and the people of Marshal Stalin's Workers Paradise. On May 9 Professor Putin will you also be remembering August 23, 1939? Here your historical ancestor celebrates with Herr von Ribbentrop.
Professor Putin have you ever seen Stalin so delighted? This May 9 will you and the Russian 
people be celebrating the "secret protocol" of that happy occasion in 1939 when Romania, Poland,
 Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Finland were divided between you and Hitler? I'll remind you.

It is clear for us that this victory was not achieved 
through arms alone but was won also through the strong 
spirit of all the peoples who were united at that time 
within a single state.

"Welded," into that "single state" of your predecessor, in the words of your national anthem when you were a
KGB colonel. correct, Professor?
We consider international support for the respect of the rights of Russians abroad an issue of 
major importance, one that cannot be the subject of political and diplomatic bargaining. We 
hope that the new members of NATO and the European Union in the post-Soviet area will show 
their respect for human rights, including the rights of ethnic minorities, through their actions.
A threat Professor. In 2005 when you made this 
speech "the new members of NATO, admitted in 2004, included...1939 victims Romania, Latvia, 
Lithuania, and Estonia. You know, Professor, that 
many people in America, including the undersigned, did not then and do not now want to go to war with you over those countries. I would refuse to war with
you over those countries, would abrogate the NATO treaties with those countries, rather than war with you over them. You are counting on that. But, Professor, there are many others, infinitely more influential than this writer, who will honor those treaties and who will war with you over those countries. If war comes between you and your despicable people and America you and the Russian people will be blotted from the anus of mankind permanently, your territory given to other peoples, 
your country outlawed, as was Prussia after World War II, your ugly language banned. And as the 
corpses of your race burn, Professor, I would not 
debase myself to piss on them to extinguish the

Enjoy your Easter, Professor Putin. Perhaps it will be the last for you and for the Russian people.