Monday, April 14, 2014

The bizarreness of Sunday continued into Monday. The shootings at the Jewish centers in Kansas: sure enough hate crimes. The murderer was a "grand dragon" of the Ku Klux Klan and was shouting "Heil Hitler" during and after the murders. But his victim's weren't Jewish!  One was Catholic and the other two were members of the "Church of the Resurrection," which is about the least Jewish-sounding name for a house of worship you can get. That ought to teach him not to stereotype! He goes to Jewish community centers to kill Jews and there are Christians there! This is fucking AMERICA you inbred, brain dead, cockroach! There's no fucking "we" and "us" between Jews and Christians in America, you fucking half-man king of the punk-asses! We hang out together, go to school together; they go to Christian schools--Ooh, Grand Dragoon, they go to Christian schools. EECK!--we go to Jewish schools and community centers! My daughter works out at a Jewish Community Center, you fucking brimstone barker!

Fortunately for justice, hate is a "transferred intent" enhancement to crime. The killer's intent controls, mistake of fact is not a frigging defense, Einstein! Oooh, Grand Dragoon, Einstein was Jewish!