Thursday, August 28, 2014


Nothing new! Don't want to get any hearts racing.

I love checking in on this thing once every several weeks, long enough that it tickles me that there's still "news" about it. From, who else? CNN:  Some member of the ground crew in Malaysia tried to call the plane after the last "handshake."--Oh yeah, "handshakes!" We learned through this that airplanes have handshakes. Cool. I initially mis-read this, I thought the handshake, excuse me, the phone call was made by somebody on board. Wasn't there something about that? I could understand the significance of that. But no. This one was made by some Malaise on terra firma.
Apparently, because it was a satellite phone? I don't know, man but somehow this friggin phone call from the ground has led to a...Hold onto your seats!...a "refined" search area. :) This refined search area is still on the seventh arc though...Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, the "seventh arc"?  What do you mean the seventh arc? What the hell is the "seventh arc?" I don't remember a Seventh Arc. "When the plane is in the seventh arc, and Jupiter aligns with Mars..." The Fifth Dimension! Age of Aquarius! Come on!  Seventh Seal? Arright, fine.

Now the Aussies, who unfortunately for them have taken the lead on this search now ("We MUST find the plane.") have NOT found the plane, not a molecule of it but they still have to give the press conferences. Imagine these press conferences. Omg.

Truss (Some Aussie) said ongoing mapping of 87,000 square kilometres of the ocean floor had uncovered “quite remarkable geographical features” including the discovery of new undersea volcanoes up to 2,000 metres (6,562ft) high.
“In one place in particular … the sea depth is as little as 600 metres and then falls away in just a very short distance to 6,600 metres,” he said.

Oh man, poor Truss. Poor reporters. "Remarkable geographical features!" Lol.