Friday, May 27, 2016

Kill Joy

The Warriors are so dependent on finding the joy in the game (the word "fun" popped up eight times in the transcripts of their postgame comments) and feed off the adoration of their home crowd, and now they must win in one of the league's most hostile environments for opponents -- a place that made their lives so dreary in the middle of this series.
Now, [Steph Curry said] the challenge is "to bottle up that joy and take it with us on the plane."
-J.A. Adande, ESPN

I see. This joy shit is like in the Dubyas DNA. It truly is in the Golden State organization's DNA. That is the psychological hold that the team's success has on the country. The pursuit of happiness is in the country's DNA. Dubyas are pursuing joy.  It's like their oxymoronic name, they are warriors for joy like there are warriors for Christ. We have here a joy fetish. Oracle Arena is the orgasmatron for these kinks. "If it feels good, do it!" Like Rolling Stone: "The Death of the Warriors" was a paen. That's why people are so invested in the continuance of this run, it's the drip, drip, drip of the newest drug.

Well fuck all that. I am by nature anti-fun, a kill-joy (I am an Asshole.). I am now, officially, a basketball kill-joy. Roll "Thunder!"


Happy Friday.