Monday, May 02, 2016

"We are not a country built on hatred. We are not a country built on anger, built on pettiness. We are not a country built on bullying. We are not a country about selfishness. No country in the world has spilled more blood saving the lives of others than America. We are not a petty, bigoted, angry people. That is not America.

"Do we get behind a campaign that is based on yelling, and screaming, and cursing, and insults? Or do we unify behind a positive, optimistic, forward-looking...campaign?

"Do you want to turn on the television, and see a president, Republican or Democrat, who embarrasses you? Who would make you feel embarrassed if your children came and spoke the words uttered by the president? We've had presidents who've inspired us. FDR told us the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. John F. Kennedy said, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."