Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Which World?

Driving back from court this afternoon I heard the most amazing statement coming out of the electronic radio machine.

I was listening to "The World" which is hosted by "Marco" "Werman." Which, Marco "fishes out too far" sometimes.*

Marco's feeshin' buddy today was "Adam" "Blackwell." Adam, not to cast no aspersions on his asparagus, is one of Them. Think "Ted" "Cruz." ;) Think "We the North" ;).

However, having that handicap, Adam is a "Diplomat in Residence" at the National Defense University. Which is 'Murican. Which I just looked up to make "sure."

Adam is also "Chair of the Meta Council on the Illicit Economy," which is one of the most stupendous sounding chairs in the whole history of chairs. Which is part of the World Economic Forum.

And before that, and firmly grasping the nettle now, Adam was "Secretary of Multidimensional (Human) Security" sic which I do not firmly grasp why human is in parentheses there, which is part of the Organization of (Human) American States, OAS.

Amongst Adam's secretarial chores at OAS was brokering a truce betwixt the two biggest gangs in El Salvador. Which is the murder capital of the world. This historic accord was solemnized in blood inside El Salvador's chic Gray Bar Hotel.

That historic accord has not "held," it has "come apart at the seams," and so Marco aforementioned wanted to know from Adam like "Wtf do we do now?," "we" being somewhat ambiguous since the world of these two jackanapes is somewhat small, and probably flat and could mean just about any country but which context clarified as the US&A:

"We should stop the deportations. I think this country (US) is better equipped to deal with gang violence than El Salvador."

Thus spake Adam Blackwell.

Marco of course being Marco never missed a beat. Never paused to let his swiss cheese brain absorb as much of the logic of Adam's statement as it had the God-given ability to do. Adams's proposal was a self-evident proposition to Marco. 

We however paused. We paused to the point where we missed our turn and pulled over to the side of the road to extrapolate from the logic.

From Adam we understand that the El Salvador gangs entered the U.S. illegally, received advanced degrees in their life's purpose in Loss Angle-eese but didn't learn the gang trade too good that they didn't get arrested by the poleeses who turned them over to the Fed poleeses who deported their tattooed asses back to the Motherland where they broke the Adam-brokered truce and began whacking Mother and Father and Sister and Brother with alacrity.

Thus Adam proposes in this small, flat world of ours that the El Salvador gangs who were illegals, I'm sorry, illegal immigrants, undocumented aliens, in the U.S. should not be deported back whence they came on accounta the U.S. can better deal with the complex constellation of issues with which they present themselves than can El Salvador. "Give me your wretched refuse." It's 'Murica's responsibility, see? We, 'Murican We's, have to make them into productive illegal consumers of U.S. air. 

I am not for sure that Mr. Blackwell is being considered for a post in the Trump Administration but I rather think not.
