Friday, July 15, 2016

Black Friday Roundup

Attack in Nice, France: The attack was terrorism. Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, the terrorist, was Muslim. ER-frigging-GO: as French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said Lahouaiej-Bouhlel was a "terrorist without doubt linked to radical Islamism in one way or another."

No. Under the Napoleonic code you can "round up the usual suspects," prove guilt "without doubt" by making the accusation and with fishy "one way or another" evidence establishing "links." That doesn't cut under Anglo-American innocent-until-proven-guilty law and the French officials' statements are "proof" of norhing. Terrorist+Muslim does NOT equal Radical Islamist Terrorist. I, admittedly: only one; lawyer; suffering both acutely and chronically with the American disability, see insufficient evidence that the attacks in Nice were carried out by Radical-Islamist-Terrorist-Mohamed-Lahouaiej-Bouhlel.

Turkey: Things still unsettled as this is thumbed. The CNNTurk studio has changed hands more than has Donald Trump's wife. Reading between the cobra strikes I sense the Young Turks are going to deposit the last load. ERDIE LIVES!

Oh, and the death row inmate referenced earlier today? Like his handcuffs, like Mrs. von Clownstick, still loose.

Have a dark, blessed night.