Saturday, July 23, 2016

Right after von Clownstick-Pence ticket was announced David Brooks wrote a column. Brooks called this election a,

" unique moment in American political history in which the mental stability of one of the major party nominees is the dominating subject of conversation."

He described Trump's speech announcing Pence,

"If you had to do a rough diagram of the Trump remarks it would be something like this: Pence … I was right about Iraq … Pence … Hillary Clinton is a crooked liar … I was right about “Brexit” … Pence … Hillary Clintons ads are filled with lies … We’re going to bring back the coal industry … Christians love me … Pence … I talk to statisticians … Pence is good looking … My hotel in Washington is really coming along fantastically … Pence."

Brilliant. I didn't read the speech transcript but that sounds like an accurate sketch of just about Trump speech, meandering all over the place, speaking half-thoughts and half-truths in half-sentences. Brilliant by Dave.

"It’s hard to know exactly what is going on in that brain, but science lends a clue. Psychologists wonder if narcissists are defined by extremely high self-esteem or by extremely low self-esteem that they are trying to mask. The current consensus seems to be that they are marked by unstable self-esteem. Their self-confidence can be both high and fragile, so they perceive ego threat all around."

"Suddenly the global climate favors a Trump candidacy. [Pause: I was wrong in mocking the parallels that Brooks and others drew to Brexit. Look at the result, I wrote, "Boris Johnson is a pariah." Since writing that Boris Johnson, so similar to Trump, has been made British Foreign Minister. Unpause] Some forms of disorder — like a financial crisis — send voters for the calm supple thinker. [Well, what the fuck led to Hitler's rise, Dave. A fucking financial crisis.] But other forms of disorder — blood in the streets — send them scurrying for the brutal strongman." [Brooks sometimes categorizes things incorrectly.]

"If the string of horrific events continues, Trump could win the presidency. And he could win it even though he has less and less control over himself."

[I hate weasel words like "could." Of course, he "could." Anybody "could." Gary Johnson "could" be elected president. Hell, David French "could" be elected president as a write-in. What Brooks really means to say of course is that Fatface von Clownstick has a "reasonable" shot at the presidency (538 now gives him a 42% chance) and he is absolutely correct.