Saturday, August 13, 2016

Fear, on the left.
Courage, on the right.

Fear, pointing to courage.

"Madness is the exception in individuals but the rule in groups." Similarly, with fear. A group gives false courage to the cowardly individual. Weapons, too. The gun nuts of the NRA aren't courageous by nature. They get their courage from their guns. Those cops up top were doing their duty as they saw it and are outfitted as cops are for crowd-control, riot suppression, for their own protection as they do their duty to protect the public. That is standard police equippage in the situation and standard police practice. It is, or may be, good, professional police practice. But it is not courage. Literally from their heads to their toes they are covered in body armour and have a variety of weapons on their belts. They are backed by a phalanx of similarly-equipped officers. And they are about to arrest a person, a "girl," with none if that.

The police officer who shot the unarmed black man while the man's girlfriend sat right next to him in a car. Who recorded it. I have not seen the video, I have had it described to me by a colleague and I have read the transcript. "Officer, why did you just shoot my boyfriend four times?, calm voice. "I DON'T KNOW! HE-HE REACHED FOR SOMETHING!," hysterical-voiced police officer. "He was reaching for his id, officer, as you told him to do. He told you he didn't have a gun and was reaching for his id and you shot him four times."

                                                         Coward punching Courage.

An mild-looking old coward with hair as long as a girl's gets his courage from a crowd of his ilk and sucker-punches the defiant, courageous black protester. Old girl, how about you and that young, defiant, courageous black man outside, away from the crowd, no weapons, just a one-on-one fist fight? Be one Ol' Girl get the crap beat out of him, wouldn't there?

"Donald Trump is not a tough guy," remember that? "He's never punched anybody in the face in his life," Marco Rubio continued, laughing. Rubio got to Trump. That rattled Trump. Trump knew it was true. Trump didn't respond. When Trump doesn't respond immediately with bile, that's an admission by silence. Rubio got him. "Want to have some fun today?, Rubio asked a South Carolina crowd. "Let's see how many misspelled words there are in his tweets from last night." That got to Trump and he did spell-check on the embarrassing tweets and corrected them. Trump knows he's not silver-tongued and it embarrassed him. "If Donald Trump had 't inherited his money he'd be selling watches on a street in Manhattan." Those emasculate a tough-guy manque, a draft dodger who "always wanted a Purple Heart, but this is easier," receiving a purple heart as a gift from one who drank Trump's purple Kool Aide, who had earned it. For Trump, "avoiding STD's were our Vietnam." Trump cannot fight so he gets his courage in gifts from his possessed, deranged, racist, fascist, cult followers.

"Donald Trump is a sniveling coward," said Ted Cruz.

They were absolutely correct. "Ted Cruz...," Trump started to call at a rally. "IS A PUSSY!," a coward with that strange country between her legs yelled, completing the Trump call-and-response routine.

Trump and his Low-Lifes have a mind meld. They hear his dog whistles and they complete his thoughts and act on their intent. They are cowards, not tough guys. They are scared and Trump is scared and they better be scared! We are coming. We will ruin them.