Friday, February 28, 2014

Ukraine Has Not Yet Died.

Ukraine's glory has not yet died, nor her freedom,
Upon us, fellow compatriots, fate shall smile once more.
Our enemies will vanish, like dew in the morning sun,
And we too shall rule, brothers, in a free land of our own.
Souls and bodies we'll lay down, all for our freedom,
And we will show that we, brothers, are of the Cossack nation!

Ukraine Has Not Yet Died.

Russian troops have entered Ukraine at the Crimean peninsula. I heard an interview with Khruschev's daughter today. Asked if she thought Russia would invade she said she did, that where there are Russian tanks Russian troops are not far behind. God damn it.
One time, somebody wrote to me with a picture attached to the email and asked, "Is this you, Ben?" Below are all photographs of "Benjamin Harris:"

I've cut way back on my heroin use since this.

I have recovered from my heart attack since this.

I've lost weight since this.

Shaved since this.

Cut my hair since this.

My anti-social personality test score is lower since this.

I guess this was too easy. Here I am with the lovely CCC.
Speaking of Muslims, you never know when Mohammad is going to rear his ugly head again and murder innocent civilians, so it has been my practice over the years to gratuitously, randomly, and preemptively insult Islam. So:

Islam, you SUCK!
Mohammad was a paranoid schizophrenic.
Innocence of Muslims is my favorite movie of ALL-TIME!
Kurt Westergaard is my favorite political cartoonist of ALL-TIME.
Your civilization, political ideas, morality, not to mention your concepts of personal hygiene, are stuck in the 10th century.

Oh, and it's Friday!  Your holy day. Happy Sabbath.

Arright, wait a minute. I don't smoke, okay; I want a last drink...Oh! Which reminds me: that disgraceful country music song, "When I die, I want to go sober?" Nugatory on that, baby! Nugatory on that-there! That is a violation of everything country music means to me. It is an article of my faith that all human beings should be required to maintain a certain blood-alcohol level. Yeah, so put that in your pipe and smoke it...And hey, Blindfold! Why are you holding your hands like that, covering up your pee-pee? You think that thing's going to be any good in a second? Saving it for the 47 virgins? Are you Muslim or what! Hitler, are you Hitler! Huh? Punk.

"Sorry, Ben, my last email may have offended you for my persuading you to believe in God. Actually, I should have found that from your silence to my long article 'The Conversion of My Faith.'  But you see, almost a year ago you asked me how I had converted my faith."

"No, I was not offended at all! I much enjoyed reading it. My apologies for not responding."

Just take me out and shoot me.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

I am very much concerned for the direction of country music in America.'re the one with the dirty pictures!

I do not see phallic symbols there. I do not see phallic symbols there. I do not...
"When I die, I want to go sober."-country song.
Search keyword of the day:

cultural revolution jilin daily.

Daily? I'm surprised to hear that. Rae Yang wrote "Red Guards Didn't Have Sex" so I guess they had to do something. Daily, though?

Scholar, Boeing has made the anti-Apple cell phone...No, it's not called the Orange, smart guy, it's called the Black. Sumbitch self-destructs if somebody tries to open it. :o Erases all data. But Scholar, that wouldn't thwart NSA from their "meta data" collection, would it? NSA gets it in the ether, right? Not by breaking into phones. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Psst, hey Scholar: Apple's ten millionth update, which I, and you maybe, ignored because it was the ten millionth? It's to fix a "hole" or something that allows others to see what you're doing on your iPhone. Yeah, that was my reaction, too.


It becomes our disagreeable duty to inform view pagers that scholars at Portland State University have refused to award an honorary degree to Chinese filmmaker Hu Jie despite a recommendation from moi (and others). I should like to say to scholars (except Dr. Jennifer Ruth and the other guy there who wrote a rec.) at Portland State University, in the words of Papi Bush, "THIS SHALL NOT STAND."

Among the scholars visiting this-here blog recently (below) are those from the, sorry, The University of British Columbia, a South American institution. In doing researches for the instant post we point out to scholars at Portland State University that The U of the BC will be awarding an honorary to "Bonnie Klein," whom the Colombians describe as "an outstanding documentary filmmaker, author and human rights activist" :o and to "Dempsey Bob," "one of the foremost Tahltan-Tlingit artists of his generation." ?  I should further like to say to the Vikings at PSU, that this is, in the words of Susan Rice, "a grave error" and finally that, in the words of Jeb Stuart, "This is a decision [the Vikings] will regret but once, and that is continuously."

No justice, no peace!

Lot of pageviews by the Flamers at UIC.

Mean Greene Joe. 
Crusty butt.

The "Jumbos."

I should like a "hrroom" at the Pete and Mary Universite.

The "Anteaters." Jumbo Anteaters.

That's "School of Oriental and American, sorry, African Studies."

Monday, February 24, 2014

On Song Binbin.

Who in hell wrote this? How did it get into Wikipedia?

Song Binbin

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Song Binbin (also known as Yaowu)
[Also known as Yan Song at MIT] (born in 1949) was a senior leader in the Chinese Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution when she gained notoriety after leading a student revolt resulting in the killing of Bian Zhongyun, the first teacher killed during the Revolution, which resulted in recognition from Mao Zedong. Binbin [Binbin? We are calling her by her given name?] has since renounced and apologized for her actions.

[Binbin agin-gin! Very unusual.] was born in 1949[1] the "daughter of Song Renqiong, one of China’s founding leaders known as the Eight Immortals, [Awkward phrasing. Bet this person is Chinese.] was in 1966 a senior leader among the leftist Red Guards at her girls’ school in Beijing. The Red Guard [Red Guards, Red Guards, plural, not Red Guard.] worked to overthrow China’s institutional frameworks to demonstrate their devotion to Mao."[2] Bibin [Mis-spelled, like Ye Weili's "Bing" Zhongyun.] led a rebellion at Experimental High School [It is called that now. It was not called that then. I guarantee this was written by a Chinese person. Chinese drop the article, here "the" before "Experimental High School."] which was attached to Beijing Normal University, in Beijing, China. [Really, "in Beijing," which the author(s) have in the first sentence in this paragraph, is sufficient identification of the locale, no? Is there any need for "in Beijing, China" here? No.]She took part in beating the principal, Bian Zhongyun, to death in August 1966 with a wooden stick.[3] [Who says that? The article cited here doesn't say that! Here is what it says:"...Song, 19 at the time, was presumably present when the female students at her school, which was part of the Beijing Teachers University, killed their teacher, Bian Zhongyun. The girls brutally beat the 50-year-old woman to death using wooden sticks spiked with nails." That is not what anyone says that I am aware of.]  Bian was the first teacher killed in the Cultural Revolution, and her slaying led to further killings by the Red Guards, and eventually over one million of the Guards gathered in Tiananmen Square, where Binbin famously pinned a red band on Mao Zedong's arm. The scene was captured in a famous photograph. "After the Cultural Revolution, Ms. Song [See? In quoting from an English-language source, it's "Ms. Song," in this Wikipedia entry it's all "Binbin." It is strange that the author(s) of an "authoritative" biographical entry use the subject's given name. It would be like somebody writing a Wikipedia entry on Benjamin Harris using my first name "Idiot Blogger." Also--And I could be wrong here!--it is my understanding that Chinese do not use given names as casually as do Americans and English. The given name (my understanding) is reserved for the intimacy of family or extremely close friends, "Mon cherie, Educated and Gentle, smooch, smooch, smooch"...Oh my God, I just had a wave of nausea come over me...This entry was clearly not written by an extremely close friend, unless it was the forensically dyslexic Feng Jinglang. I will bet you $100 this was written by a Chinese personage, though: the "Binbin," the "Bibin" mis-spelling, the awkward language, the citation blooper, all, to my mind, give it away. "Chinese do not argue well." ] went to the United States to study and completed a doctorate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She worked for the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection...In 2003, she moved back to China."[4] She has since apologized for her actions during the Cultural Revolution.[5]

Jump up ^ Bowed and Remorseful, Former Red Guard Recalls Teacher’s Death By CHRIS BUCKLEY, New York Times,

Jump up ^ "Ex-Red Guard Offers Fresh Cultural Revolution Apology," January 13, 2013, Wall Street Journal

Jump up ^ The Chinese Cultural Revolution; Remembering Mao's Victims 05/15/2007 Spiegel

Jump up ^ Bowed and Remorseful, Former Red Guard Recalls Teacher’s Death By CHRIS BUCKLEY, New York Times,

Jump up ^ "Ex-Red Guard Offers Fresh Cultural Revolution Apology," January 13, 2013, Wall Street Journal


Viktor Yunukovych,

Viktor is that a rug?, the ex president of Ukraine is taking a circuitous route out of the presidency. According to the Washington Post, which got the itinerary from official Kiev, Victor's travels since Friday have been:


Kharkiv, 250 miles from Kiev. Gave TV interview: Opposition are "Nazis." Swine opposition.

Donetsk, his hometown. Tried to leave Donetsk, his hometown, by biz jet but was prevented by                   security. :(  Finally left Donetsk, his hometown, "in a convoy of automobiles." :)

"Private sanatorium" :o on Crimean peninsula ~400 miles from Donetsk, his hometown, "after a                        long night of driving." :(

"Hastily left" for military airport in Sevastopol but had to turn back as new head of state security                     was there (whatcha call an "arrest warrant" had been issued for Viktor). :(

Private residence in Balaclava ~midnight :) where he asked his security entourage who was with                     him and who agin him. Three. There were only three still with Viktor. :(


Departed Balaclava with the Three Loyal for... parts unknown :o

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Six visitors from Iran today. How are you I am fine.

Had two Iranian friends my freshman year in college, Mustafa Usefi and Arselon, don't remember his last name. We haven't kept in touch.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Search keywords of the day. Okay, get a load of the first one:

sochi bbc whoa oh oh oh song. What is that? Oh my God, laugh my buttocks off. That is priceless, whatever it refers to.

andrew ross cultural studies. I know what that refers to. That was the funnest post I think I've ever written, and it is all true.

Bless you, pageviewers.

"Ukraine Has Not Yet Died."

Boy, sobering title for a national anthem.

And it has not. The opposition is in control in Kiev and the president, Russian puppet Viktor Yanukovych, has fled to the East, vowing not to give up power...his flight strong circumstantial evidence that he ain't got much of that power thing now. Congratulations to the bare-chested, brave-hearted Ukrainian people.

Image: Look at that photograph. It has the look of a Renaissance painting, the gold coloring, dramatic lighting, ominous smoke, religious symbolism. Orthodox Church officials stood between the lines of the police and protesters during the troubles. Amazing photo. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

I think I've had enough water of life tonight.
Real mature post there. I think my maturation level needs some maturation. 

"Obama's Meeting with Dalai Lama Irks China."-CNN

Hoooo, China's irked, China's irked. Hooooo. 
Get lost, punks.
"Usquebach" is the Gaelic word for whiskey. The literal translation is "water of life." Smart people, those Scots.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Got me.

A few posts ago I wrote that sometimes a reader will click on an old post that I don't recognize and when I read it myself I don't like it. Last night someone read a "Democracy in Arabia" post I wrote back in 2011, I think it was.* I read it, too. And I winced.

I have been really hard on Thomas L. Friedman and on the New York Times generally since June of last year (Not that they have noticed). I have written that 2013 was the worst year of my life: I lost faith in the Times, Friedman (Truth: I have been on his case since 2002), President Obama and my country. I lost faith because of "U.S. interests," the primacy given to them over the interests of other people, over morality, legality, decency...I get upset recalling this and writing about it now.

All right. Anyway, the "Democracy in Arabia" post could have been written by Friedman, or Susan Rice, or by Obama, who indeed issued a similar statement in the joint communique with Francois Hollande recently. This post is not to express regret for being hard on them, it is to be equally harsh on myself for that 2011 post. I voluntarily submit to a struggle session.

* Feb. 25, 2011: (Added 8:52 pm).

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Euromaidan: WhatsApp?

Good. Looks like a good strategy, bare-chested against shields. Karate man bleed on the inside. Good.


Catapult. Middle Ages.

Crusades. Middle Ages.

Knights in Rusty Armor. Crusades shield.

All in a square.

Alright, then. Ukraine protesters...keep in touch.

"Facebook to Buy WhatsApp, a Messaging Startup, for $16 Billion."-New York Times.

I renew my offer to sell Public Occurrences. I offered it several years ago to Hu Jintao but he never responded. :(

Euro No-Maidan.

Ukrainians: Squares...not so good for confrontations with government. See Tahir Square, Tienanmen Square. Concentrations of civilians good for government security. A thousand points of bomb-fire light better than one big bonfire in Maidan. See Che Guevara, Mao Zedong, Osama Bin Laden.

Opinion. Foreigner.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Euromaidan, Be Strong, We Are With You.

Kiev is aflame this morning and the violence has spread to other cities. Government security installations have been besieged. God bless the people of Ukraine.
Has anybody ever written Jack Nicholson's biography? That I could do.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Lot of resolve in Justice Kirby's letter. Will the UN follow through? China is likely to block any follow-through. Kim will blow this off; may threaten to blow-up South Korea. Probably nothing will come of Kirby's letter any time soon. Things change though, Kim, you have a long life ahead of you, the UN will be here, waiting with those documents. Kirby's report is like a Grand Jury Report summarizing the evidence. The letter, like an outline of an indictment. They'll be filed away and when the time is right, they'll be available. You're on notice Fade Boy.

Crimes Against Humanity.

A United Nations body has issued a report calling for Dennis Rodman's best friend, DPRK dictator Kim Jong-Un, to be tried before the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. The itemization of crimes includes "extermination, murder, enslavement, torture, imprisonment, rape, forced abortions and other sexual violence."

My friend Dr. Rongfen Wang suggested that Song Binbin be tried before that court for CAH. Kim's case illustrates why Dr. Wang's suggestion is misplaced. Kim: Head of State; Song: Head of the Girl's School Attached to Beijing Normal University. If I understood her letter correctly, Dr. Wang would have jurisdiction conferred on the ICC by holding Song responsible for all the crimes committed during the Cultural Revolution. No criminal court would entertain such a notion with Song. Obviously, the only person who could have been arraigned before the ICC for CR crimes would have been Kim's counterpart, Mao Zedong.

At least in legal theory, Song Binbin (along with others) could have been tried for the unlawful homicide of Bian Zhongyun and for a home burglary and battery in a separate incident. But as Rongfen pointed out there are "time limits," statutes of limitation, applicable to any current criminal prosecution. And, such a trial would have to be held in the People's Republic of China. I know of no legal theory that would take Song's case(s) international.

Has anyone ever written a biography of Abraham Lincoln?
It is Presidents Day in the US&A, a day set aside to honor...presidents.

A lot of people aren't working, they are staying at home reading biographies of presidents. Very noble people, Americans.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

It's the School of, not for, Oriental and African, not something, Studies, University of London. I apologize for any inconvenience. And you're welcome, again. Now I am going to sleep. No hanky-panky. No frigging publicoccurrenc.frigging Djibouti, okay? Okay? Unexpected struggle.
Somebody from the School for Oriental and...something Studies in London clicked on that post, I didn't recognize the post from the url or whatever it's called and clicked on it my own self to refresh my memory. My only purpose in copying the link, which is when I noticed the .uk suffix, was because I was going to write that I like that post...Yeah, well sometimes I don't, okay?...And that it sums up a lot of what I think about China. So, there. I done wrote it. And yeah. That takes care of that. You're welcome.
What in the hell is this.
There is no Public Occurrences .uk. I wrote that on June 6, 2011, that's this site, does it have a UK suffix? A couple of weeks ago I swear I saw a Public Occurrences .ru but I got busy and couldn't find it when I went back and just forgot about it till now. Here, I captured it. I never created a UK or Russian Publocc. I might have if I had known I should...They can access the blogspot Publocc, can't they? You don't have to create a shadow blog in every country. Man, I am dumb, admittedly, but I am really lost here.

It is Monday. The struggle resumes.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

There are those, Oh, there are those, who say Shani Davis, above, and the ENTIRE U.S. Olympic speed skating team SUCK. Don't give me that, we're Americans, we don't suck at ANYTHING, it's the SUITS! Look at the vents in Shani's suit. Look how un-aerodynamic the sleek, aerodynamic Shani looks in that sorry suit and helmet! Disgusting. America DOES suck in making speed skating suits. That's all.

Russian Police Choir, "Get Lucky."

I do not know what to make of that. Like: Did they understand the English meaning of the words or did they just memorize the sounds? The Russians could have bird-pumped this. A few years ago they played Borat's version of the Kazakhstan national anthem at the "Arab Shooting Championships." The first stanza of the lyrics actually goes well with Russia hosting the Olympics: phoenix rising, etc. But then, weirdly--daftly--they morph into getting lucky sexually. Did the Russians read beyond the first stanza? They just took the first entry for "Kazak national anthem"--which was in English in Borat. "Kazakhstan, prostitutes cleanest in the region, except of course for Turkmenistan's." Missed that. The Russians missed that.

Arab Shooting Championships aside, you have to assume the Russians did read and understand beyond the first stanza. What did they think the refrain meant? I just read that Daft Punk claims the refrain refers to connecting with another person, people. So, the Olympics...connecting people, etc. The Russians could have believed that. I don't believe that for a minute. That's absurd. Daft Punk could claim the refrain refers to shooting dice, that doesn't make it so. "I'm up all night to get some"--what, stimulating conversation? Get the hell outta here. How about this, "Shake your booty:" Refers to pirates displaying captured gold, jewels, right?

The Russians are that gullible? I guess we have to assume so. The alternative is to believe that they understood the explicit sexual references and decided it was appropriate for police officers in full uniform to sing them during the Olympic Opening Ceremony.

Full uniform. They performed the song. Police officers singing and moving to a disco-beat song about getting pussy/connecting with people in full uniform. Have to assume the incongruity was deliberate, knowing, intended to be whimsical, cute, fun.

That's a fail.

Have not watched the Sochi Olympics. Nyet. Missed the Russian Police Choir singing "Get Lucky"  by Daft Punk. Missed Daft Punk's version of "Get Lucky." Never heard of Daft Punk. Nyet. 

Like the legend of the phoenix
All ends with beginnings
What keeps the planet spinning (uh)
The force of love beginning


We've come too far to give up who we are
So let's raise the bar and our cups to the stars

She's up all night 'til the sun
I'm up all night to get some
She's up all night for good fun
I'm up all night to get lucky

We're up all night 'til the sun
We're up all night to get some
We're up all night for good fun
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky

The present has no ribbon
Your gift keeps on giving,
What is this I'm feeling?
If you wanna leave I'm ready (ah)

We've come too far to give up who we are
So let's raise the bar and our cups to the stars

She's up all night 'til the sun
I'm up all night to get some
She's up all night for good fun
I'm up all night to get lucky

We're up all night 'til the sun
We're up all night to get some
We're up all night for good fun
We're up all night to get lucky

We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky

(We're up all night to get
We're up all night to get
We're up all night to get
We're up all night to get)

(We're up all night to get (together)
We're up all night to get (let's get funked again)
We're up all night to get funky
We're up all night to get lucky)

(We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky)

(We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky)

We've (we're up all night to get lucky)
Come too far (we're up all night to get lucky)
To give up (we're up all night to get lucky)
Who we are (we're up all night to get lucky)
So let's (we're up all night to get lucky)
Raise the bar (we're up all night to get lucky)
And our cups (we're up all night to get lucky)
To the stars (we're up all night to get lucky)

She's up all night 'til the sun
I'm up all night to get some
She's up all night for good fun
I'm up all night to get lucky

We're up all night 'til the sun
We're up all night to get some
We're up all night for good fun
We're up all night to get lucky

We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky

We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky


This Sunday afternoon 4-6pm 
Does a More Equal Marriage Mean Less Sex?
At Revolution Books, 146 W 26th Street


It’s impossible to imagine the American canon without him.
chronicler of the so-called lost generation.
liked to fish and hunt.
wrote well about being alive.
put everything [he] had into every sentence.
“Everywhere I turn, another fight.”

                                 -New York Times on Malcolm Cowley, born 1898 Belsano, Pennsylvania; died 1989 New Milford, Connecticut.

Friday, February 14, 2014

"i want a recording of "we rise with o..."

That was a search keyword today and refers to the song "We Rise with Our Dreams," written by Joe Henry, sung on Subaru Ski World years ago by John Jarvis, sung by Marty Balin more recently, and profiled here four times over the years, including with an email kind of interview of John. Ten hits on the 2008 post, 18 on the 2010 post this week. Got an email from a reader today asking if I had any more info. I don't. I also don't expect ever to write about this subject again.

P.S. Another one:"ski world public occurrences." Enough.
And...DONE. Valentine's Day is over. Back to normal.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

To all nice girls and grown-up girls, Happy Valentine's Day.
You are not alone. Don't be lonely.
These are the top ten search keywords today:

1. hate valentine quotes. I wish to be executed.
2. i hate valentine's day tumblr.
3. valentine's day god's love quotes.
4. valentine's day with sry i realize bab... I wish that person to be executed.
5. abemama (site: or si...
6. alone on valentine's day tumblr.
7. alone on valentines day quotes.
8. bob avakian. I do not wish him a Happy Valentine's Day.
9. fouk you. Foreign individual.
10. fuck valentine day quotes...

This is what I hath wrought.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The former mayor of New Orleans, Ray ("10,000 killed in Hurricane Katrina!") Nagin was convicted today of 20 counts of corruption-related crimes in federal court. 
Hurry! Pre-Valentine's Day love event. 

Thursday, February 13, at 7pm 
at Revolution Books    
a discussion of the interview in Revolution...
An Interview with Raymond Lotta

This Thursday, February 13: We will discuss the Chinese Revolution

Raymond Lotta is an advocate for Bob Avakian's new synthesis of communism. He is a political economist, author of America in Decline, and writer for Revolution. He directs the "Set the Record Straight Project," which brings out the truth of the Soviet and Chinese revolutions and provides web resources.  

On Thursday, February 20, Revolution Books will continue its series of viewings and discussions of sections of the film of a talk by Bob Avakian "BA Speaks: "REVOLUTION-NOTHING LESS!" These discussions will happen on the first and third Thursdays of the month.