Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Political Cuckolding: Obama, Trump, and the Roots of White Rage*

On the eve of President Barack Obama's inauguration, as the Inauguration Ball was underway, a group of fourteen humiliated Republican white males gathered symbolically at a steak house to plot a strategy of total obstruction against anything that the handsome, youthful, virile black man attempted as president.

 Present were fat, disheveled Frank Luntz.

Is that Truman Capote? Sorry, no, Paul Ryan.

Penn State incoming freshman, Eric Cantor.

Pedophile-eyed Jim Sessions.

Weak, cross-dresser candidate Jeb Hensarling.

Kevin McCarthy: played too many football games without his helmet on.

"Candy little girl" Dan Lungren.

And so on. As a group the fourteen had had heterosexual sex seventeen times in the preceding year, half with Rudolphina Giuliani.
Republicans are obsessed with sexual perversion, they practice the "lifestyle." They have short stumpy, limp appendages.

Barack Obama, the fit, handsome, exotic, BLACK, heterosexual, was this group of inverts racial, psycho-sexual nightmare. "Their" women, white women, were "Obama girls" who had crushes on the president. These, "give me nine inches and make me bleed, so I fucked her three times and punched her in the mouth," Republican "men" were confronted with a suave, elegant, masculine, humorous, sexually attractive BLACK man (with a "perfectly creased pant leg") who could play basketball and be president at the same time. Obama was their worst thing that could happen to their self-image and he had to be stopped. To do anything other was to admit that there was such a black man in America, which they denied. 

And so they hated him. They hated him for his race and his ability and his looks and his beautiful black wife and so they portrayed him as a primitive African witch doctor. And when they got their chance they chose as his successor a "man" who had "never punched anybody in his life" but who personified all that they fantasized about, who spoke in racist code, who "grabbed them by the pussy," which is the Republican white man's fantasized right except when they tried the women beat them up or they couldn't get it up. Hillary Clinton never stood a chance.

Republican white males felt cuckolded by Barack Obama and they weren't going to permit Hillary Clinton to cuckold them all over again. The word has in fact become a staple of the American fascist right. Steve Bannon, spokesman for these impotents and sexually dysfunctionals, adviser to the Leader, openly uses the portmanteau "cuckservative" to refer to a "fake conservative," and to Trump son-in-law, soon to be federal prisoner, Jared Kushner. 

Hitler had his fat drug addict Goering; the American fascist right has their fat drug addict Limbaugh (and Luntz). Hitler was a sexual dysfunctional, Trump is a sexual dysfunctional. Goebbels was a psychologically damaged clubfoot who "proved" his manhood by fathering six children (who he then had murdered). The Nazis proved their machismo by violence. The Trumpists prove their machismo by violence. Hitler's inner circle was a collection of misfits, crackpots, sadists and crooks. Trump's a collection of crooks, sadists, crackpots, and misfits. Hitler never won an election but stole power. Trump lost the only one he contested and stole power.

Trump's America 2.0 has more in common with the Third Reich, or with the Soviet Union, than with the America that existed from July 4, 1776-November 8, 2016.

*The inspiration, and that is what it was, for this post was an email I received from one of my closest,
oldest friends. It was, as I wrote to him, paradigm shifting for me. I had long concluded that the Trump phenomenon was racist (Don't say, "Duh!" Very few outside the American fascist websites themselves unequivocally termed it racist.) but I couldn't comfortably fit the Hillary hatred under the
racist umbrella; had to shoehorn it in--racism, sexism, it's all one. The cuckolding rubric fits like a glove. I told my friend it's like E=mc2, simple and perfect. Here is his email:
i hate to get all psychological here but it almost seems like they feel that the president cuckolded all republican white men. they have reacted so viciously, emotionally and unreasonably that you would think that they were all tied up and made to watch their blonde cheerleader wives get the money shot in the face after an hour long anal fuckfest. 
You can see why I like this guy, right? 

The Angry White Cuckold. He-He-He

America is, at its core, a nasty, venal, selfish and racist culture.
1. What motivated people to vote for Trump: The answer is usually some variation of “economic anxiety” and “cultural anxiety,” which is just fancy code-speech for racists.
White Trump supporters aren’t going to come out and just say, “That black guy and his pretty wife and kids made me feel bad about myself, and Trump is my way of getting back at him.” The rules of whiteness prohibit such honesty.
...the only way to fix the country is by handing it over to a handsome, smart black guy with a funny name. How emasculating!
The ’80s aren’t coming back; the era of white male cultural hegemony is only at 97 percent instead of 100 percent, and there’s no way to change it. Trump voters know this. They know that manufacturing jobs that pay a living wage aren’t coming back. They know that a wall is impractical. They know that terrorism is impossible to stop. When you know the inevitable is coming, when you know that you have to face change or become irrelevant, you either change or you kick and scream and drag every tablecloth and curtain in a temper tantrum on your way out.

Donald Trump is that temper tantrum. This is why Trump voters are still angry. Why they’re still stabbing college students and hanging nooses and protesting at Confederate statues and can’t stop talking about Obama and Hillary. Those aren’t the actions of optimistic winners who believe America’s best days are ahead.

Trump supporters still believe that America is ruined, soiled, tainted and irredeemable. No matter what America says to Trump now, his voters know that she dated a black guy for eight years and she liked it, and she still thinks about him. Why do you think conservatives are always calling their enemies “cuckolds”? It’s projection.


This is why poll after poll shows supporters sticking with Trump no matter how many times he fails or completely betrays his policy promises. They never expected him to change anything, and they never will. All they need to know is that he drives liberals crazy (and to them, “liberals” are anyone who isn’t a Trump supporter), that he’s white and male...
They just want to make sure they go down swinging, and if that drives the rest of the world off the cliff, so be it. At least the black guy won’t be at the steering wheel.
The Angry White Cuckold. He-he-he

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

I haven't the foggiest fucking idea what half of these mean:

Search Keywords 

парень указывает png
anna politkovskaya body
body paint underwear nsfw
burkini fuck
hundred ghost soup (bureau for eternal prosperity book 1)
wordpress cheatercheaterpunkineater
“you can flood these addresses with multiple passwords and log-ins"

Monday, May 29, 2017

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Beverly Hills Supper Club Disaster +40 Years

Some of the 3,000 people who were there that night watch the structure burn. 165 of their fellows burned to death.

Southgate, Kentucky has treated this shadowed ground in the manner all such should be. It has never been built upon since that night and although private property with no legal access, survivors, relatives of the dead, and community sympathizers have laid their homemade memorials, and marked the different parts of the long gone site with signs, "Zebra Room Origin of Fire 9 pm," and the like, on trees that have reclaimed the land. 

Deepest condolences to the victims. And deepest respect for the people of the Kentucky-Ohio border for remembering it as they do and as none other do their tragedies. That is the way it should be done. Deepest respect.

America 2.0: The Strange Country

a strong feeling from European leaders that they must turn away from Washington and prepare to face the world alone.
“The belief in shared values has been shattered by the Trump administration,” said Stephan Bierling, an expert on transatlantic relations at Germany’s University of Regensburg.
Nor is Europe united in its approach to Trump: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has cracked down on critics at home, has embraced the U.S. leader.
European leaders are developing plans to deepen military cooperation independently of the United States.
The conservative Trump critic William Kristol, who edits The Weekly Standard magazine, wrote on Twitter: “Merkel's comments today are a reminder that Trump’s failures are, while he’s president, also America’s failure, and damage America.”
Merkel and Macron have vowed to work together to further the pro-globalization agenda that Trump stands against.

Merkel’s comments were not the only sign Sunday of a Europe determined to hit back. Macron acknowledged that he came prepared for his handshake with Trump, who likes to throw others off balance with a firm yank of the arm. Macron appeared to force Trump to keep shaking hands even after the U.S. leader tried to disengage.

“We must show that we will not make small concessions, even symbolic ones,” Macron told France’s Journal du Dimanche in remarks published Sunday. He called it “a moment of truth.”

America 2.0: A Different Country
Deaths that bother me:

Williamson babies, 1920's, 1930's
Milman Perry, 1935
George E. Merrick, 1942
Bian Zhongyun, 1966
Lack Of Sleep May Cause Your Brain To 'Eat' Itself: Study

This is strong from Health. We come to look to Health for Excellence in Headlining.

Your brain switches to cannibal mode when you are sleep deprived

Oh, indeed, Health. Exquisite. I am becoming sexually excited.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Sports Mini-Roundup

Arsenal beat Chelsea today to win the Football Association (FA) Cup.

Earlier this week I was listening to a country music station in Miami when the DJ came on between songs. "Nashville beat Anaheim last night 6-3," she began in a southern twang. " So let's all root for the Predators who are going to the Stanley Cup playoffs!"

If Golden State sweeps Cleveland they will be the greatest team in NBA history.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Russian ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin

Ambassador Sergey Kislyak reported to his superiors in Moscow that Kushner, son-in-law and confidant to then-President-elect Trump, made the proposal during a meeting on Dec. 1 or 2 at Trump Tower, according to intercepts of Russian communications that were reviewed by U.S. officials. Kislyak said Kushner suggested using Russian diplomatic facilities in the United States for the communications.

The meeting also was attended by Michael Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser.
Russia at times feeds false information into communication streams it suspects are monitored as a way of sowing misinformation and confusion among U.S. analysts.

[Ths Post published a thing last night. It was very convoluted. Confused the hell out of me. Russia planted fake information in one of their own legitimate communications. The fake info was that Loretta Lynch, Obama A.G., had told a person in the Clinton campaign that she would not let the FBI investigation into Clinton's emails go too far. Comey knew about this and that's why he went public, bypassing DOJ, and clearing Clinton. The story went on to say that the authenticity of the fake info was greatly called into question by Comey subordinates. But Comey believed it enough to make his announcement. (That story has now morphed today into a report by CNN that Comey KNEW the info was fake.). Confused Comey, too. The Post went on to say that Comey's premature clearing led to his October Surprise that he was reopening the investigation. Very convoluted.]

But officials said that it’s unclear what Kislyak would have had to gain by falsely characterizing his contacts with Kushner to Moscow, particularly at a time when the Kremlin still saw the prospect of dramatically improved relations with Trump.

The discussion of a secret channel adds to a broader pattern of efforts by Trump’s closest advisers to obscure their contacts with Russian counterparts. Trump’s first national security adviser, Flynn, [made] a series of false statements about his conversations with Kislyak. Attorney General Jeff Sessions...failed to disclose his own meetings with Kislyak when asked during congressional testimony about any contact with Russians.

Kushner’s interactions with Russians — including Kislyak and an executive for a Russian bank under U.S. sanctions — were not acknowledged by the White House until they were exposed in media reports.

The Post was first alerted in mid-December to the meeting by an anonymous letter...

[Hey, Ex-Quasi's, did you get an anonymous letter? Prolly not, You were Quasi-Official for so long nobody would trust you. Like Snowden.]

...which said, among other things, that Kushner had talked to Kislyak about setting up the communications channel. This week, officials who reviewed the letter and spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive intelligence said the portion about the secret channel was consistent with their understanding of events.

For instance, according to those officials and the letter, Kushner conveyed to the Russians that he was aware that it would be politically sensitive to meet publicly, but it was necessary for the Trump team to be able to continue their communication with Russian government officials.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

You tiny, tiny, tiny little man.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Greater Manchester

Manchester United Beat Ajax this afternoon (normal people time) in Stockholm to win the Europa League and qualify for a seat at the big boys table next season in the Champions League. 2-0 was the score. Paul Pogba and Henrikh Mkhitaryan (Yeah right, like I've heard of him.) were the goal scorers.

Congratulations to our quiet neighbors.
Pope Francis upon being told of another priest pedophile.

Trump introducing the Pope to special advisor Jerry Sandusky.
Pope Francis in the receiving line to Melania Trump after greeting her husband:

"What do you give him to eat? Potica?"


"Frequently, people who go along a treasonous path do not know they are on a treasonous path until it is too late."
     -John Brennan, ex-CIA head, testifying before Congress yesterday in the Trump-Russia investigation.

Not in this case. Trump knew. Trump committed treason.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Public Confessions

I wish to have speaks.                                                                        This
has been on my mind off and on all day. I must needs pyramid my speaks before getting to the main speak because these are difficult things for me to speak and I do not like what they speak about me to speak them.

First layer in the pyramid: I hate Donald Trump. I do not like to hate, but I do. He is not the only person in the world who I hate and I wish I didn't hate anyone. I have been convincing in my expressions of hatred for Trump? No further testimony needed? I need not say that I would apply the sanction of the Nine Exterminations to him and to every one of the 63,000,000 who voted for him?

Second: I "know" Melania Trump only as a beautiful bimbo plagiarizing mental midget with giant tits. Seems okay. Have felt sorry for her for Trump's boorish, insulting treatment of her, as if she were only a beautiful bimbo plagiarizing mental midget with giant tits piece of arm candy. But she married the mother-fucker.

So then. Whoa, at the top of the pyramid already. Deep breath.

If my wife treated me like that in public while I was on my (ill-gotten) job, and repeatedly treated me with that disdain in public in my first 120 days in my new job, and didn't move in with me to our new house which came with my new job, I would scream at her until I was hoarse, I would not do so in public (although some minor indicia of my inner rage, facial expression, murmured threat to murder, would probably be uncontainable), I say I would not scream at her in public but in private, but until the walls of the private enclosure reverberated, with result that security forces would, no doubt, come running in alarm, perhaps with weapons drawn, I don't know, I would banish her from my life on the spot, and might strike her a blow.

I am saying that that is how I would react, I am ashamed to say it, would not excuse that behavior in myself or anyone else, am making a prediction of my behavior with the confidence of 62 years, am not writing a prescription for behavior, wish that I was a better person not to do it. But I am not.
I am Manchester.
"Yesterday, Manchester was one of the greatest cities on earth."
alongside the grief was an undeniable sense of community spirit.

One man who embodied this ethos was 35-year-old Sam Arshad, who co-owns the city's Street Cars Manchester taxi firm.

He happened to be driving past the arena on his way home when he heard screams.

"I was stuck in traffic and that's when I saw people rushing out," Arshad recalled. "I spoke to a police officer and he told me there had been an explosion and that we needed to evacuate the area."

He asked his fleet of drivers to turn off their their meters and not charge families, teenagers and children aiming to get home through the chaos to be reunited with their loved ones.

Arshad said he didn't think twice about giving free taxi rides to help those stranded.

"The audience was a very young audience and some people had come from far away, expecting to be picked up by their parents," he said.

He added that he "spoke to the drivers and pleaded with them that, if we could do anything, this was our time to help the people of Manchester. This is our city, at the end of the day … money's not everything, do you know what I mean?"

His drivers told him: "Whatever you want, gaffer, we're there for you," he recalled — gaffer being affectionate British slang for boss.

He is a Muslim, as are most of his drivers.