Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Fighting the Coming War with Islam

Fighting the Coming War with Islam

Iran is one of the major nations in the Islamic world. It is currently hosting a conference denying the Holocaust. Iran's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has--again--proclaimed that Israel will soon be "wiped off the map." A New York Times article on the conference said this: "Across the Middle East, contempt for Jews and Zionism is widespread and utterly mainstream."

This is just the latest addition to the reams of evidence that the American people continue to ignore: The Muslim people are warring against us, not just al Qaeda, not just a few "rogue states."

By contrast during the Cold War polls and overwhelming anecdotal evidence consistently showed that the peoples of the United States and Soviet Union actually liked each other, even as their governments had nuclear missiles aimed at each other.

In the war with Islam it is the reverse. The U.S. government counts among its friends the governments of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan for example. The leaders get along fine but the people of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, and the entire Muslim world, hate the American people. They have lustily butchered and burned our people and look forward to doing it again. They aim to destroy us.

Not since Neville Chamberlain, a good but naive man, has the West been so unprepared psychologically to recognize the nature of its enemy and what must be done. Not since before Pearl Harbor have Americans been so oblivious to the nature of the enemy and what must be done. At least after Pearl Harbor that generation of Americans united and responded with the merciless use of every weapon in its arsenal to obliterate its enemies. September 11 was this generation's Pearl Harbor, in fact we lost more people on 9/11 than on 12/07/41, but today's Americans have turned on each other, deny reality and can't think the unthinkable. They are afraid, some are cowards, but most are just afraid. They don't know what to do, some are paralyzed by analysis, but most just don't know. They just want peace, but so did Chamberlain, and like him they will be discredited and scorned by future generations. "What did you do during the war with Islam, mom?" "I was on the fat flush diet, honey," would be the honest response but they will just remain silent. "Dad, why didn't we use the atom bomb after 9/11 instead of waiting until after Islam detonated a dirty bomb in Manhattan?" We had our heads buried in the sand" would be the honest answer. "That damn Republican/Democratic president _____ was a coward!" will be the answer given.

The war is with Islam, with the Muslim people. We must acknowledge this fact. We are realists. We are also not vigilantes. We should not take violent action personally against Muslims in America, the Islamic world or anywhere else but we must elect a president and a government who say who we are at war with and what must be done. It is a war and must be prosecuted as such, not as a police action. A commentator recently acknowledged the above and said that he thought we were in store for a new One Hundred Years War. That is unacceptable. The war should be a one hundred days war. He said we must never split the atom. We believe (we would prefer conventional but similarly overwhelming force) that using atomic weapons will be necessary.

This is how the new one hundred days war with Islam should proceed:

We should take the opportunity of the Holocaust conference to bomb the gathering and thereby kill President Ahmadinejad and whichever number of his government colleagues are at the conference.

We should bomb and thereby decapitate the rest of the Iranian government in their offices or homes.

Those first two actions could be accomplished easily with conventional weapons.

We should also immediately bomb any suspected nuclear sites in Iran. We should err on the side of caution and bomb more rather than less. This will probably require the use of nuclear weapons. We should use them.

The entire Muslim world will then erupt because despite seventeen or so nations the Muslim world is essentially one. We will have chosen the time to fight our enemy, not have our enemy choose the time for general war to begin. We will have them on the defensive until, shortly, they will be as completely destroyed as were Germany and Japan.

As the war blows up--this will be in days--we must immediately decapitate the governments of our two greatest enemies, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. We should take out Pakistan's nuclear capability. We should decapitate the Saudi government. We should send the Rangers in to protect the Saudi oil wells from deliberate destruction by our Saudi enemies. That may not be possible. If not our economy will suffer a recession as we did during the Arab oil boycott of the 1970's, perhaps a depression. We will recover, we cannot recover the lives lost in 9/11 or those lost since, or those to be lost to future Islamic attacks.

In those first few days protests, riots and attacks on Americans and American interests will begin. We should systematically and overwhelmingly snuff them out with more bombing. We must acknowledge and accept moral responsibility for the tragic but necessary fact: Muslim civilians will be killed in overwhelming numbers, but it is they who we are at war with. In the first days of the coming war every time there is a gathering of protesting Muslims in the Islamic world calling for "Death to America!" we should bomb that gathering, in sorrow, but unhesitatingly, recognizing the necessity.

There are one and one half billion Muslims. We agree with Daniel Pipes that we are at war with a "significant minority" of those one and one half billion. Regrettably, many, many, many of those one and one half billion will have to die. We say that with the sincerest sorrow but with the conviction that it is necessary. Perhaps the Muslims will cut and run in a real war as they have done so many times before, in wars with Israel, with us in the Gulf War, with us again in the current Iraqi war. Maybe significant numbers will just surrender. We sincerely hope so but doubt it. For them this will not be a war on behalf of a mere state, like Egypt or Iraq or Syria. This will be a war on behalf of their ideology (it is much more than a religion), with the spiritual impetus of jihad from their sacred book. We must be psychologically prepared to kill millions of our Muslim brothers and sisters who are our brothers and sisters still even if they are our enemy. We must never hate. We must be prepared to kill as many Muslims as we did our Japanese and German brothers and sisters until there is unconditional surrender as there was by them.

The military phase of the war will then end quickly, with a substantial portion of Islam dead and the survivors bleeding. We should then outlaw the preaching and teaching of Islam as it is currently being done, just as the Nazi party and the advocacy of Nazism was outlawed. Thus Islam will go through the Reformation that Christianity experienced but which it never has.

We must fight this war in this manner because we must, not because we want to. Throughout it all we must never hate. This is Public Occurrences.

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