Sunday, May 01, 2016

Lindsey Graham: Trump Will Lead to "Another 9/11"

I thought Senator Graham's remark had to have been taken out of context in those headlines and so I read the transcript:

But there's a civil war going on in the Republican Party, obviously. John and I are very close friends, but he's embracing Donald Trump, and I am not. Why? Because I believe Donald Trump's foreign policy is isolationism. It will lead to another 9/11.

Trump doesn't understand the Obama-Clinton mistakes. They didn't intervene in Iraq. They withdrew from Iraq. Obama didn't intervene in Syria. He failed that against sound military advice when it would have mattered in Syria.

The people of Libya rose up against Gadhafi. Our failure was not to follow through. And Trump never mentioned Afghanistan. So his foreign policy to me is just isolationism. We're either going to fight radical Islam over there in their backyard or in our backyard.

But Trump is the most unelectable candidate we could put up against Hillary Clinton. Women and Hispanics hate his guts, for good reason.

And that's the context, that is Graham's entire answer. Isolationism->another 9/11.


Isolationism did not produce THE 9/11. That is a really bad statement.