Sunday, March 04, 2018

Big Game Sabotage James?

This has bothered me ever since I posted it and I meant to correct it but did not. Here is what I wrote on February 7.

Wednesday, February 07, 2018
Here’s 2 plays where LeBron James just stops trying on defense

He does. He just stops trying. Absolutely clear.

James does this shit. It's a brownout, a work slowdown, not a strike, a work slowdown. Same effect but it gives him cover. "I'm not sitting at home, I'm out there busting my butt." He's out there. He's not busting his butt. He's busting Dan Gilbert's balls.
Posted by Benjamin Harris at 10:56 PM     Links to this post

Now here is a seperate  link to the video that I had the epiphany about.

My epiphany was that sbnation's lede and my affirmation are not really true: James does not stop trying on defense. James is acting there. He is sending a message to Alt-bert that they must get rid of Isaiah Thomas. And a day later he succeeded. Look at the video a couple of times. Here are stills that I hope help me explain myself.

The original position. Isaiah Thomas is isolated on his man at the top of the key. LBJ is to IT's right. The guy in dark jersey, #23, is leaving James to set a screen on Thomas.

Here's the screen. But as you can clearly see LeBron James is charging in to stop Thomas' man, the ball handler, from getting open.

James closing in. Apparently good help-out defense. Thomas is being crushed by #23 on the screen.

And here is the start of what I see as James "acting." He turns his BACK on the ball handler. James' movements look awkward. not real, posed, acted. To me there is no other explanation for this.

That is just ludicrous, comical.

James is a terrible actor. His actions do not pass the eye test of credibility. It is different than not trying. He is trying. He's sending a message to management that he is going to sabotage games to get Isaiah Thomas traded.

Back now completely to the shooter, it is almost like James is playing for the other team and positioning to screen any Cleveland defender from getting near the shooter, who is now setting up to launch a wide open three point shot.

Which he makes. Nothing but net.

Throwing games, throwing plays within games, sabotaging your own team, is against the rules of sport. You do it for money, which James does not, you do it for power, it is against the rules of sport. LeBron James is the master of the passive-aggressive power play. To me, there is no explanation for that sequence but sabotage.

It is not the first time that James has been accused of sabotaging plays, games, series, franchises.

I don't get why this isn't being talked about more, to me it was so obvious.

…do just enough to make it look like it's not too obvious you're throwing the game, but when momentum is on the line, throw it.

…in Game 5, he spent more time standing in the corner away from the action than I've ever seen him spend in any game.

NBA experts have already said the same thing…[James was] standing around off the ball more than ever…

…in Game 5 when he did take shots they were Vince Carter-esque: Fading back for no reason (which he never does) and missing by a foot?

…Ok, everyone is suspecting you. What do you do? Make sure you stuff the stats so that it's not too obvious…

"He quit," Gilbert said. "Not just in Game 5, but in Games 2, 4 and 6. Watch the tape. The Boston series was unlike anything in the history of sports for a superstar."

The Cavaliers were beaten by 32 points in Game 5. During the game, James appeared distracted and uninterested, often glaring at Cleveland's coaches as the Cavs tried to foul to get back into the game in the second half. James also made some puzzling postgame comments, saying he had "spoiled" people with his play over seven seasons.

When the Cavs have won, it has been because of James. And when they have lost, it has been because of someone else...[It has] bought James an infallibility he wore like one of his tailored suits.

Until this Eastern Conference semifinal series with the Celtics.
James' performance in Game 5, a game his team lost by 32 points, went way beyond that of a bad game...

Unless James can reverse the course...he's facing the first serious spot on his otherwise clean image. One that might last for years and one that changes the way he is perceived, not only in the NBA but also in the professional world he has desired to conquer for so long.

In five games against the Celtics, James has played three subpar games. That alone has stopping power, considering James has lost 28 career playoff games but sported an unblemished record when it came to personal postseason performances.

Those numbers
[James’ in the three losses] are not why James' performances have been shocking. Is it his nonchalant attitude that mixes with tentative play when he is trying to make something happen? That is what will be remembered for years and what has thrown so many of his supporters off balance.

It's throwing passes into teammates' feet or over their heads, the kind of lack of focus James never shows at this level. When he turns the ball over, it's usually because of his aggressiveness -- trying to squeeze in a pass or losing the ball in a crowd when fighting into a double- or triple-team.

It's standing quietly on the weak side of offensive plays, waiting to see whether the ball will come to him while his team is down on the scoreboard, as if he were biding his time in the second quarter of a game in mid-February
[Like the Isaiah Thomas play above] on a long road trip.

It's staring into space during huddles instead of giving instructions to teammates or advice to coaches.
In the Cavs' locker room, and next door in the team family room, and upstairs in the coaches' and executive offices, people who know James well are trying to figure it out. The truth is James' teammates have never seen him in this type of mood before, so passive and reactionary...

James' family and friends are just as shell-shocked, whispering and wondering what they can do to help

"Final season with the Heat [2014], LeBron James, the Heat organization believed, knew he was leaving and checked out on the Finals," Le Batard said. "It looked like he was trying. The stat sheet looked like he was trying. But the Miami Heat believed that he checked out and was no longer trying."

“Here’s the other thing that the Miami Heat believe: that when LeBron decided to get out of here, he was actively playing defense against their ability to get anybody,” LeBatard said. 

[This is exactly what some unnamed members of the “Cavs” did after Kyrie Irving announced he wanted out.]

“They thought they had Pau Gasol locked up and then LeBron got some texts to Pau Gasol and next thing you know Pau Gasol is going somewhere else. The Miami Heat thought he was actively playing defense because he wanted to leave the organization worse than he found it. That was a belief of the Miami Heat that LeBron James was trying to harm the Miami Heat and [now in Cleveland's case], it’s what you’re talking about, taking away [Cleveland’s first round pick from the ]Nets pick from them.”

The petty battle between James and Gilbert is continuing to play itself out. James won’t commit and many people close to the team, like ESPN’s Brian Windhorst, suggest he’s not playing his hardest.

Could he be trying to pressure Gilbert into trading the pick so that its gone no matter what James does this summer, thus making a rebuild more taxing?

"Are we playing to win or are we playing to look good?” [i.e.padding their stats.]

It is very difficult to prove that anyone, a player, coach, referee, engaged in sabotage without a confession. We all miss things, shots, calls. I will believe beyond a reasonable doubt to the end of my days that LeBron James deliberately sabotaged Isaiah Thomas on that play. Others believe b.r.d. he committed sabotage at other times. James is the face of the NBA, its best player and its most powerful player--by far. Power corrupts, and a lot of power corrupts a lot, and power, like happiness, like sex, is pursued and begets pursuit of more power. There are too many people believing the same thing has happened over eight years. The NBA should investigate this. The integrity of the league and the welfare of the franchises is at stake here.