Friday, September 14, 2018

Didn't expect it to look like that. Though it was like a hotel swipe card slot. Never saw that kind of electronic lock before. The door "which was slightly ajar...fully opened under the force of the key insertion." 

It is strange that Mr. Jean was home alone in total darkness at 10 pm on a work night with the door "slightly ajar." I had pictured him in my mind's eye as in for the night, in bed or just about to be. I don't know that NOT to be the case but if that was the case then why was the door not closed and locked? 

That door doesn't work like hotel room doors where it shuts automatically if you don't put that bar thing in the door frame?...Actually, I don't think I ever saw a door, other than a hotel room door, shut automatically. One time I went to get some ice and was only wearing boxers. As soon as I exited the room I heard the fucking thing close behind me and I was standing in the hallway in my boxers like a dumb ass. Had to go down to the front desk in my boxers like a dumb ass too. 

Anyway, where does that "slightly ajar" come from? Guyger, right? Only Guyger? Since this was an electronic lock is there an electronic record of an electronic key, and the wrong electronic key, Guyger's, being inserted into Mr. Jean's lock that night? Me thinks there WOULD be. When (on another occasion) I inserted my electronic hotel card into the wrong room slot that bird pump deactivated my card. Realizing my bird pump I then went to my real room and tried it and it didn't work. Had to go down to the front desk like a dumb ass again (but I was fully clothed👍) and told them "My card doesn't work" and they immediately said "You tried it at the wrong door first and it deactivated it" and I felt like a dumb ass again. 

Anyway, is there no electronic record supporting or refuting Guyger's account? 

What if there is a record and it shows NO attempt by Guyger? Then she lied, you dumb ass. Why would she lie about that? Wasn't there some account of a witness hearing "Open up!"?  If Mr. Jean's door was NOT slightly ajar Guyger would have had to have knocked and shouted something like "Open up!" What were those "verbal commands" Guyger yelled according to the arrest warrant affidavit? Better not have been "Open up!"! because her key didn't work and if the door was locked and she STILL didn't notice the bright red mat and the illuminated door number then she didn't think it was a burglar, right? You don't yell, "Open up!" to a burglar, do you? No, you do not. And if she still didn't realize SHE was at the wrong door and SHE was the "intruder" then her mental state seems to me worse than the dumb ass mental state for manslaughter. I don't know WHAT her mental state would have been.