213,372: total confirmed Cases.
4,757: Killed.
8,474: Recovered. (Good, approaching 2/1.)
2.2%: Mortality rate. (Bad, just keeps rising.
(?)200,141: Active Cases(?)
I take it if you subtract the number killed and those who have recovered that would leave "active" cases, those that have not yet been "resolved"? If that inference is correct then there are 200,141 confirmed Trump Virus+ people who are still in some degree "sick", alive, but not recovered. Put in reverse, of 213,372 total confirmed cases only 13,231, only 6.2%, have been "resolved." The number of “resolved” cases increases slowly, incrementally, while the number of new cases continues to increase exponentially daily.
200,141–and growing larger every day—is an ominous, bloated mass still moving through the healthcare system. It’s overwhelming the healthcare system. We know that from the desperate pleas of governors but here you get a sense of it mathematically. It's like a python that is trying to swallow a dog.
If we froze it right there how would we expect the actives to "resolve"? That's where you must have to get into "modeling" in order to answer because the mortality rate and the Recovered/Killed ratio keep increasing in tandem. You can’t freeze them and then just multiply 200,141 by 2.2%. I don't do modeling, this about taps out my math "skills." But if this extraction of the active cases from the numbers is correct, dudes and dudettes, that is not good! Not good a’tall. 93.8% of all confirmed cases are still ”active,” still working their way through the python. FUCK.
4,757: Killed.
8,474: Recovered. (Good, approaching 2/1.)
2.2%: Mortality rate. (Bad, just keeps rising.
(?)200,141: Active Cases(?)
I take it if you subtract the number killed and those who have recovered that would leave "active" cases, those that have not yet been "resolved"? If that inference is correct then there are 200,141 confirmed Trump Virus+ people who are still in some degree "sick", alive, but not recovered. Put in reverse, of 213,372 total confirmed cases only 13,231, only 6.2%, have been "resolved." The number of “resolved” cases increases slowly, incrementally, while the number of new cases continues to increase exponentially daily.
200,141–and growing larger every day—is an ominous, bloated mass still moving through the healthcare system. It’s overwhelming the healthcare system. We know that from the desperate pleas of governors but here you get a sense of it mathematically. It's like a python that is trying to swallow a dog.
If we froze it right there how would we expect the actives to "resolve"? That's where you must have to get into "modeling" in order to answer because the mortality rate and the Recovered/Killed ratio keep increasing in tandem. You can’t freeze them and then just multiply 200,141 by 2.2%. I don't do modeling, this about taps out my math "skills." But if this extraction of the active cases from the numbers is correct, dudes and dudettes, that is not good! Not good a’tall. 93.8% of all confirmed cases are still ”active,” still working their way through the python. FUCK.