Friday, June 19, 2020

The Great Trump Death

"Fading away".

"Dying out."

Both true. Yes, Trump is fading away and dying out. The Trump Epidemic is not doing the former and people are still doing the latter. 

Now that we are at exactly midnight, and since I have previously documented that when I awoke on June 18 the Death count per Johns Hopkins stood at 117,717 which was the identical number I saw on Hopkins site and posted on mine, and as now the Deaths are

118,420 (Hopkins), the undersigned can prove with exactitude that 

703 Murican peoplez died out today on accounta Trump Virus. Which mathematical precision the Johnnies will somehow prove me a liar tomorrow morning.

In fact WaPo, which is always low has it complete for June 18 at 718. Yesterday it was 748 and June 16 it was 732. That's almost 2,200 deaths in three days but still lower than any three day grouping since March. The current triplet towers formation is unique in the history of Trump Virus Deaths. Chief's complete Deaths graph:

Continued good news. The seven-day average line is continued good news and there's nothing more to say about that.

Now only because Bunker Boy inserted his foot into his oral cavity agayne today on Cases "fading away" it becomes our disagreeable duty to refer to the Cases graph of WaPo. 
For whatever misleading satisfaction it may give the reader the last bar, June 18, a defiant spike, represents 27,504 new cases which, to titillate further, is the highest daily number since May 2. 

Only a dying brain inside a fading body, like both of Grandmother Smallweed, could see that as Cases "fading away." In fact, as meaningless as its relevance to Deaths has been shown to be, for the record, the seven-day average line is on its steepest incline since late March-early April. That merely as correction of Trumpweed, the undersigned lacking a cushion to crush into his face as Grandfather Smallweed had as instrument of correction onhis better half.