Thursday, July 09, 2020

*Why I joined the Lincoln Project: It's leading the 2020 fight to repel Trump and Trumpism

*Sorry guyz and gurlz I repeated the title from the next post. It's corrected.

This is really good insight into the difficulties you run into when you buck your boss. Whether it’s a political party, a law firm, a private business, you can never work for them again. This is a former BREITBART guy!

Why I joined the Lincoln Project: It's leading the 2020 fight to repel Trump and Trumpism
Michelle Obama’s famous catchphrase, 'When they go low, we go high,' is stirring oratory. But it's not a recipe for defeating the cancer that is Trump.

The stone-cold truth for most in politics is that who you affiliate with is your entire identity. It’s your side, your team. Speak out against it and face potential exile.
[And, the other guys aren’t taking you in!]:

It’s not like after you declare your opposition to one party’s standard bearer, the other party is going to give you a lifeline. The truth is, if you do what I did, speak out against your party and ultimately leave your party, you have to find a new way to make your living.

As months turned into years and as Trump’s grip on the Republican Party spread, I knocked on every door in the Democratic Party you can imagine, offering to help. From the Democratic National Committee to the House Judiciary Committee and everywhere in between, I made it clear that if there was a way my experience working in Republican politics could help stop the cancer that was Donald Trump from spreading any further, I was ready to get involved, but I was still unsure where I could both fit in and be a difference maker. Enter the Lincoln Project.

For years, I have been frustrated with what I perceived to be the Democrats’ hesitancy to take the fight to Trump and his Republican accomplices. Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s famous catchphrase, “When they go low, we go high,” makes for stirring oratory, but is not a recipe for defeating the cancer that is Trump.
In reality, most of Americans agree on most of the issues, most of the time. Given that, maybe it’s time to move the goal posts and reframe what our elections are really about. This coming one could not be more clear: One side believes in truth, the other does not.

[That last is an interesting take but we need to flush out the details.]