Tuesday, April 02, 2024

The “Knicks” and “Heat” and their fan bases are in similar positions. Only two games separate them in the standings; both have “exhausted” (as one Knickie described Brunson tonight) stars trying to carry the team on their backs; both had painful two-game losses recently (NY: I’ll take your San Antone and OKC and raise you with D.C. and N.O.)

Brunson didn’t have a good game tonight. He’s the team with Anunoby out and Randle, when he’s right, out. Jimmy Butler also was not the Jimmy talisman tonight and you remember local the Big O tweeting that Jimmy is too broken physically at age 34 to carry the “Heat” anymore. Brunson will be back when he’s rested. Jimmy?

“The most painful 3 games” in recent years? This is sky-is-falling NYC crap. How about losing to Miami in the playoffs last year? Come on guys, get a hold of yourselves.

It’s not “just brutal”. Take a powder and lie down.