Tuesday, April 16, 2024

My fellow Demo 👨 and 🧑 are hopeful. They have some reason to be. Judge Merchan is a good judge who is giving Trump and the People a fair, no-nonsense trial. The jury looks fair to me. I have no doubt that if the People prove their case Trump will trump. And, allegedly, supposably, Alvin Bragg


is a “hero”, win OR lose! Head scratch. Some pencil, in Atlantic or Saloon or Slut, had a Revelation: He understands Alvin’s menu now and believes he can eat the w-h-o-l-e thing.

My fellow Blues, do remember for your emotional equilibrium that until this week this bullshit case was considered the “runt” of the prosecutorial litter. It still is the least serious, the least consequential, of the four, the three others being deadly serious and why Trumpie had to be prosecuted. Not this one, though. He didn’t have to be prosecuted on this one. 

Remember too for your sakes that Alvin had to take this case to the grand jury twice, DOS, before gaining an indictment. Trumpie tweeted between, “I thought Grand Juries were rubber stamps. I applaud the Grand Jury for demanding more evidence.” And they did. They were not convinced (even to their rubber stamp standard) by Conehead. Practically Alvin’s entire office was in court to show support for the attempt to indict the second time and Alvin had to bring various other witnesses in to prop up said Conehead. I think Conehead hisself had to testify dos.

If a prosecutor has difficulty getting an indictment from a Grand Jury when Grand Juries indict ham sandwiches (or donuts), said difficulty at the rubber stamp phase of the proceedings is bad boding for the petit jury where the standard by which the government’s proof is measured is beyond and to the exclusion of every reasonable doubt.

Recall too that learned legal eagles pointed out with some manner of consensus that Alvin’s legal theory to transmogrify these misdemeanors into felonies was “novel”, “untried”,  and employed legal “bootstraps”; that it resembled in its complexity to argue, to prove, and for a jury to comprehend, a Rube Goldberg contraption.

There are tyoo lawyers among the seven jurors so far selected who know a thing or two about legal wheat and chaff, bullshit and a prosecutorial rock and they along with the other jurors are not going to cut Alvin Bragg any slack. This is New York City. Bullshit walks. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt is the only lingua franca spoken. Verily we can say, from Sinatra, if this case can’t make it here, it can’t make it anywhere.