Tuesday, May 28, 2024

May 28, 2024, 11:25 a.m. ET

Jonah Bromwich Reporting from inside the courthouse

The defense's closing argument has now been going for a little less than two hours. [He said his closing would last about 2.5 hours. To me he has wasted almost two hours.] Todd Blanche is attacking Michael Cohen, Trump's former personal lawyer and fixer, but he is no longer focusing on the documents at the heart of the case, or Trump’s interaction with them. Instead, he is darting all over the place, seeking to chip away at this argument and that one from the prosecution.

Several times, he has declared Cohen to have straightforwardly lied to the jury. So far, though, he hasn’t presented a smoking gun that clearly shows that to be the case.

The tension in here was high about an hour ago, but some of the jurors look a bit bored at this point.