Saturday, June 01, 2024

Guilt Complex: Trump’s Felony Convictions Are a Big Political Problem

Even for a politician who skates away from scandal, this week complicates Trump’s path to election.

Trump simply cannot beat President Joe Biden relying solely on the votes of people who think his legal travails are a politically motivated scam, and who cheer Trump not in spite of his transgressions but because of them. Or, more specifically, because they thrill to the outrage and indignation Trump inspires among his adversaries.

 Trump’s only path to victory is a coalition that includes many Republicans and independents who find him deplorable but think a second Biden term would be even more so.

That is why — even as the full consequences likely will emerge slowly — this week was easily the worst so far this year for Trump and the best for Biden.

[Okay, I’ve read enough, I get the point. I’m surprised, I must say. I’m more surprised at the polls, one of which was the subject of the immediately preceding post. There’s another one in the Forbes article that I initially read, but I couldn’t make heads or tails of it from Malcolm’s write-up. 49% of Indies think he should drop out. I am sincerely surprised at that. I never thought that Alvin Bragg’s case would move the political needle guilty or not guilty! I really didn’t. Which is why I bolded this writer’s “too early to tell” disclaimer. I mean, the motherfucker (Trumpie, not the writer) raised over $50,000,000 (!😳!) in the first 24 after the verdict. I don’t know if that Morning Consult-Indie-49%  represents a needle move. I assume it does, but I don’t know. What was it a month ago? If it does represent a real shift I want to see if that first-of-first poll has legs. My gut is that it if it’s real, it will fade. And I want to know if there is a corresponding shift in the head-to-head polls. Until there is a sufficient sample size of evidence showing both of those things, I will think that Trumpie is still the favorite to win in November.]