Monday, June 24, 2024

Korat the Magnificent

I just made coffee. The kitchen sink is right next to the stove and I stood between them to make sure Eleven didn’t accidentally burn herself, for she was under the sink faucet taking a shower; that’s what it was, she wasn’t playing with the water with her paws, she was letting it run over her back.

There is No. Doubt. in my mind that Eleven is a Korat.

That’s Eleven, a dead ringer.

From this site:

When I started my initial research in order to purchase a Korat almost eight years ago, I never imagined that I would become so mesmerized by the beauty and intelligence of what many call "just another blue cat." Well, guess what - the Korat is not just another blue cat! Underneath that silver-blue exterior is a feline with remarkably human characteristics - and a history that has spanned hundreds of years.

Not Just Another Blue Cat

[Blue? Okay blue. Blue is my favorite color.]

The Korat has a unique color matched by no other breed in the cat fancy. It is defined as silver-tipped blue, and it gives off an aura, or shimmering effect. …

It is a single coat, short, and close-lying. The roots are light silver blue with the color increasing in shade up the shaft to a deeper blue until it reaches the tips, which are silver. The silver tipping is more prevalent on the muzzle and toes. The Korat is also only one color - silver-tipped blue; there is no other color accepted.

Another unique feature of the Korat giving it a captivating mystique is the head structure. …Looking at the Korat straight-on, you see the Valentine-shaped heart of the head…

The remaining features complete the overall beauty of the Korat. The eyes are large, wide-open, luminous, alert and always observant. The color is peridot green…

[That’s peridot green and that is exactly the color of Eleven’s eyes.]

…in the mature cat (two to four years of age), but kittens have an amber to golden-green eye color which gradually changes as they mature.

The ears have rounded tips, with a large flare at the base.

 They give the Korat a very "alert" expression

When it comes down to looks, personality and intelligence, the Korat has it all - especially intelligence. Korat owners will readily tell you it's the most intelligent cat in the fancy. Korats are extremely expressive. You can look at Korats and almost KNOW what they are thinking; and the scary part is they DO KNOW what YOU'RE thinking, as well! It's a look which wins you over completely! Once you meet and live with a Korat, you'll understand. They are extremely observant, will watch everything you do and then try to duplicate it…

[That’s Eleven.]

Korats are either going 100 mph around the house or are in "velcro-kitty" mode! They want to be with you, near you, and helping you all the time.

[THAT’S Eleven. (Murder is a form of “help”)]

In closing…

The Korat is still a "unique" breed that has yet to be found by many. …

[And I found her on the street as a stray! I am the luckiest man alive to have had this “unique” cat choose me.]