Saturday, July 06, 2024

This is where we are.

Those of us who believe that President Biden were not assuaged by his 20-minute interview to George Stephanopoulos yesterday. He viewed everything through rose-colored glasses: his physical fitness, his cognitive fitness, his electoral fitness. "He downplayed. He denied. He dismissed.", was NYT's characterization.

The deception that the president, his family, his White House team, and his campaign employed in the past year and one half is of course galling. Some donors are snapping their wallets shut in anger. But be real, the campaign has got $240M on hand. I think that is enough to last him a four-month campaign 🙄. I take back something I wrote previously, that cutting off his cash flow would cause him to leave the race.

The president is dug in. Only if "the Lord Almighty" came down and told him to withdraw, would he. He's not listening to it from mortals.

The deception provides an argument for ignoring his votes in the primaries and attempting to force him out. The voters were deceived, too. But historically, candidates, even incumbents have gotten away with deception. JFK and Addison's Disease. FDR. In 1944 Roosevelt was literally on death's door. He had no business running for reelection. The voters didn't care. They could see their president wasting away before their eyes. They didn't care. The stakes were too high. Not going to change course while at war. In my view, it is little different this time around. The mortal enemy is domestic, not foreign, is all. Registered Democratic voters are sticking by him.

Trump never released his medical records, never submitted to an independently administered cognitive test, maybe a lie detector would have been better, but he did neither. Nor did Trump release his tax returns. 

I believe President Biden unfit to carry on the presidency; I wonder of his physical ability even to campaign strenuously enough to win reelection, especially in the summer heat. 

But he is not getting out. Democracy is not supposed to work this way, but it has. We have a Hobson's choice and as this here undersigned wrote in "Declaration of Independence", President Biden will be my choice until he is no longer an available choice. The stakes are too high.