Sunday, September 29, 2024

AP Top-25 Week 6

1. Alabama. Darn it, I didn't give that as much thought as I should have.

2. Texas. Makes sense. Bama of course had FAR the most impressive win and Texas struggled early against a BAD Miss. State team.

3. Ohio. That's where I put them.

4. Tennessee

5. Georgia. I think Georgia is the better team but I don't have a problem with moving an unbeaten ahead of a once-beaten from the same conference. I hadn't thought that through either.

6. Oregon

7. Paterno-Sandusky. Yes, that's up two, and warranted. They beat the no. 19 team in the country, shutting them out after the first drive.

8. Miami Gardens. Don't have a problem with that either. UMG really did lose that Va. Tech game.

9. Missouri. The last two in the top-ten I projected right.

10. Meeshagan


The rest:

11. Southern Cal
12. Olé Miss. Down six.
13. LSU. I don't fault the ranking, I just don't believe in that team.
14. The University of Our Lady of the Lake. Same.
15. Clemson.
16. Iowa State
17. BYU. Up five. Deserved. They're 5-0.
18. Utah. Down eight. Deserved. Lost to Hairy Boner by 13 at home!
19. Oklahoma. Up two.
20. K-State. Up three.
21. Boise State. Up four.
22. Lewisville. Down seven? For losing to Our Lady by the Lake? Harsh.
23. Indiana. New to top-25. Beat Maryland. 5-0. Deserved.
24. Illinoise. Down five.
25. UNLV.

Among "Others Receiving Votes" Hairy Boner 106, Pitt is next with 42, more than last week without playing a game. Play the Apple Chills down the Tobacco Road next Saturday.