Friday, September 27, 2024

My slightest movement elicits a responsive reaction from Eleven. I shift on the bed, her eyes open. If I change venue she follows. But when she sees prey, it's like she's on adderall, lasar-focused. A few minutes ago I got up from bed and came into the living room to write. She followed and, as is her wont, climbed up on my desk, right between me and the computer🙄. ME ME ME. So I did the usual, massaged her a knuckle sandwich, moved the computer up so she didn't sit on it (ever so demurely as if to say, "Don't mind me, daddy."). Then she suddenly leapt down. The blinds were up on the sliding glass doors. I didn't have my phone with me so got up and went into the bedroom to retrieve it. She didn't budge and I filmed this.