Saturday, June 06, 2015

"Why do they not now, come boldly out and acknowledge that slavery is a curse to any nation?"..."It caused the Rebellion, and its downfall would be the Rebellion's certain and speedy death. Thousands of years ago, the Almighty cursed with plagues a proud people for refusing to break the bonds of the slave...But war, desolating war, is the scourge with which He punishes our country. The curse of blood is upon the land; by blood must it be expiated. We in the North have been guilty, in common with the whole country, in tolerating, aiding, and abetting the evil. We must have our proportion of punishment..."
-Lt. Col. William H. Armstrong, 129th Pennsylvania.

This is again Lincoln's Second Inaugural. How common was this sentiment? Pennsylvanian by birth I am very proud to read this. The abolition of slavery was a holy cause with him, the Civil War a trial that he and America, including the North, had to go through to expatiate the sin of which all were guilty. This is the cause the Civil War should have been fought for from the beginning. It should not have been reunion and fighting in it should not have been a valueless duty as it was for Abbott and Holmes.