Soviet diamond mind. They had some great ideas, didn't they? They actually got a zillion dollars worth of diamonds out of that hole. Picturesque town planning, no?
I first encountered the concept of Soviet remnants with the iconic ferris wheel photo from the abandoned Chernobyl nuclear facility in the abandoned, planned town of Pripyat. Today...apropos of what I don't rem...Oh! There was an article on arts and letters daily...apropos of that article I started looking.
That is in one of the Soviet's former satellite countries, Bulgaria maybe.
From King Tut's tomb. Just kidding. Also from a former satellite country, one of the Baltics, I think. Rooski had a HUGE satellite installation there.
From the same place. A lounge for the workers.
Also from an ex-satellite, Bulgaria again I think. My favorite part of this photo is the forest growing out of one of the rear boxcars.
Soviet era apartment building. The architect, I believe his name was "Lego" or something like that.
Lego did a lot of business.
Prison in one of the Baltic states.