Sunday, May 08, 2016

"A Confession of Liberal Intolerance-" Nicholas D. Kristof*UPDATE

I respect, even admire Mr. Kristof for writing this. It took real gumption to invite a shit storm on your head from friends and those simpatico. I have been moved by Mr. Kristof in the past and, more often I have been moved to crap on his head. He is, above all, a contrarian, and I am most simpatico with that.

*UPDATE. I can't do that. I can't just copy an entire goddamned column from The New York Times and paste it here as if Kristof is part of Public Occurrences. That's like copyright infringement. I don't know what I was thinking. I must have done that late at night or early in the morning when my brain weren't workin' too good. Here's the link to where Kristof really writes.