I see.
That is "tribal politics" at work there, huh?
I see.
But whereas Cruz offered a mix of anti-establishment-ism and movement conservatism — and whereas Marco Rubio offered movement conservatism plus a strong claim to electability — Trump’s main differentiator was doubling down on cultural grievance: grievances against immigrants, against Muslims, against political correctness, against the media, and sometimes against black people and women. And the strategy worked. It’s a point in favor of those who see politics as being governed by cultural identity — a matter of seeking out one’s “tribe” and fitting in with it — as opposed to carefully calibrating one’s position on a left-right spectrum.
Where did that shit come from? From there? From "Slate Star Codex?" What is that, a tampon?
No. That is...Wait,what is this: "Updated post-Trump priors"? What does that mean? Silver, double your dose of anti-twee medication, huh? Stop speaking/writing/tweeting like a twit. That is a Nazi there, that is a Nazi salute, not an Indian saying "How."