Tuesday, March 10, 2020

It started in South Carolina 160 years ago this coming December 20 and it swept the South and a new nation was birthed.

On February 26, 2020 South Carolina started another revolution and the fires that were lit that morning have spread East! West! North! and South! To Texas and Virginia; to Mississippi and Missouri and to Michigan tonight. The reclamation of America began in North Charleston and was ignited by one of the great moral leaders in the country, Congressman Jim Clyburn.

Watch the first 13:00 of Rep. Clyburn’s remarks and feel the pain of his history, the love of his state and of this country, most of all the love of his deceased wife of 58 years Emily, and of her “greatest friend in public life, Joe Biden.” Rep. Clyburn started it. South Carolina followed and millions of Democrats turned as one and looked to the South and saw the flames of this extraordinary man as beacons. The race for the Democratic nomination turned on a dime and tonight Emily’s greatest friend has all but cinched the race. It has been a breathtaking turn and it is burning unchecked through the country and will engulf Washington in November.