Thursday, July 09, 2020

Trump Epidemic

When you look at your blood pressure reading you don't expect to see a sperm cell swimming upward. I think that means you're dead.

Here's a telling graph: "LIBERATE!" "Liberation of Florida, Arizona, South Carolina, Texas and Georgia complete Mr Liberator-in-Chief. Permission to proceed to Incineration of the corpses?"
And by contrast in Cuomosexual New York state, don't miss the "-"! Cases have DECLINED by 52%.

Where do we want the Trump Beauty Pageant? SAY IT'S NAME...JAX! JAX! JAX! Smack on the border of +1393% FL and +245% GA. Lottaaa Trumpbags in Nawthin Flor-ie-day! Lotta Trumpbags in southern Jaw-jie-a! Every State of Death run by a governor of the Party of Death. New York, the State of Recovery, -52%, run by the Party of God. President Biden is going to carry FL, GA, and AZ. I can't yet rap my head around TX as Dem. SC->GOP->RIP.