Tuesday, February 16, 2021

COVID-19 Biden+26

We’ll start with the bad stat tonight.

The raw data from the NYT 7-day averages are, for Feb. 9-15: 71,949 Hospitaized/day, and...

...2,475 Deaths/day are all down. So 3.43% of those Hospitalized died under President Biden in the last week. In 46-1’s last week 2.43% of those Hospitalized died. So yeah, that’s bad. That is worse, and by a lot, than in 46-1’s last week and he wasn’t even trying, hadn’t tried in seven months. Biden is presumably trying. And failing. So that’s bad.

That, for me, darkens all the other numbers, which are all sparkly bright.

14-day changes

-41% Cases
-29% Hospitalizations
-22% Deaths

7-day daily averages

85,786 Cases. Down.
71,949 Hospitalizations. Down.
2,475 Deaths. Down.

Today is the first full reporting day of the week; the dailies for Feb. 15 from Hopkins:

55,883 Cases. Down and the downest in months.
941 Deaths. Down and the downest in not as many months but still in months.