Thursday, January 20, 2022

COVID-19 BIDEN+1 YEAR (Jan. 20, 2022)

Cases ave/day over 7 days: 735,652, 3.91x the number on Trump's last day in office.
Cases ave/day of 7 days 1/20/21: 189,321.

Hospitalizations ave/day: 159,341. Hospitalizations have not declined yet but their ascent is leveling
Hospitalizations ave/day 1/20/21: 131,136, over 58,000 more under Biden.

Deaths ave/day: 2,029
Deaths ave/day 1/20/21: 3.097, 1.52x more on Trump's last day than at the end of Biden's first 365 days.

Yes, death is different, and it is much lower than it was a year ago. The current trend is not quite so clear as are cases. Deaths are toggling down one day and up the other. I don't see them coming near Trump's high of 3,342 three days after he unceremoniously left the White House for the last time. Biden Omicron deaths are within 70/day of equaling Delta's high. Both Delta's and Omicron's metrics are entirely on President Biden, and not just "on his watch"; they are the result of the president constantly being late on everything, from the mundane, like press conferences, to the horrific like the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the muddled responses to the two new virus variations.

About 400,000 Americans died of coronavirus on Trump's watch. More than that have died on President Biden's watch.

Across the board there has been a failure of competence in the Biden administration—on coronavirus, in his one major foreign policy action, on the virus’ twin, getting the economy back to normal, in priotitizing and getting passed voting rights and other legislation. After one year the Biden's presidency has been a failure.