Thursday, January 06, 2022

Jan. 6, 2:05 pm


Nicholas Fandos

It was just after 2 p.m. that I noticed something weird was happening inside the Senate. I had been sitting at my desk in the press gallery a few yards away and decided to run into the ornate chamber to get a look for myself. Just as I stepped in, the vice president had been evacuated and debate was grinding to a halt. Luke came in, too. Within minutes, the big wooden doors of the chamber were shoved shut. We were locked in. A police officer with a machine gun took command of the room.

Luke Broadwater

I remember personally being very angry. We had been reporting for weeks that all these claims of widespread election fraud were bogus, and it was kind of maddening that so many people were believing obvious lies.


I remember Amy Klobuchar speaking up and saying someone had been shot.

And then that really seemed to grab everyone's attention.