Monday, January 10, 2022

What was he thinking?

You know, Uncle Alf laid it out real well in Mein Kampf. Lebensraum, Germans needed "living room", he wrote over and again and the only place to get it was east, from Russia. Wide open spaces, the steppes, all the way to Moscow. To the west, Europe was too crowded with all those wizh-wizh-wizh speaking French. Who wanted them? But east, ahh! Blonde, blue-eyed Ukrainians! Okay, you got to get rid of the turd-turd-turd Speaking Poles and, I don't know what racial animus he bore so heavily toward the Czechs and Slovaks, too many gypsies? Czechoslovakia had more of Uncle Alf's favorite-looking people, didn't it? More blondes, right? Fewer swarthy smellies? But get rid of Czechoslovakia he had to do! But once you take Poland (and murder all the Poles), Czechoslovakia (and murder all the Czechs and Slovaks), Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the north--and he did take all of those pork chop pork chop greasy easy too! thanks to Uncle Joe...

Throw in Hungary (minus Hungarians), Romania, Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria (ditto), and I'm sure he did, or could have, why does he have to go further east than that? Those countries more than double the size of Germany. How much fucking lebensraum does one Fuehrer need! Mein Kamf is considered Hitler's blueprint. So somewhere along the way his blueprint expanded to include the entire world. Hitler wanted world domination. He needn't have picked a fight with Germany's ancient enemy France, and by God not with Great Britain-not for lebensraum! For world domination, yeah, he needed Britain, the Empire, Russia, the U.S. That was always impossible for a country with Germany's population and with mid-20th century arms. Couldn't be done! Hell, the crazy kraut couldn't even cross the Channel, how was he going to cross the North Atlantic! I don't know what got into that man's head, but it all went south for him when he went east. Barbarossa doomed the Third Reich.