Friday, September 02, 2022

MAL Return of Inventory Released

The most significant, ominous discovery was 43 empty folders with classified markings found in 45th's office and 28 empty folders labeled "Return to Staff Secretary," i.e. a military aide, in a storage closet. What was in the empty folders? What did 45th do with what was in them?

Eighteen documents marked Top Secret were recovered, 54 marked Secret, 31 Confidential; more than 10,000 government documents, yours and mine, not his, were recovered in 33 boxes. The content of the doc, what they say, whether they pertain to nuclear weapons or say nothing about nukes, was not, of course, revealed. 45th had no legal right to any of the docs, NARA has the right, they were not in a NARA facility but in a private residence inside a private club and no attempt was made by the private wrongful possessor to secure the 33 boxes and 10,000 documents.