Tuesday, January 24, 2023

The Template

Gunman in _[San Mateo County] Kills _[7]_


The tightknit community of ______ was shaken to its core today when a gunman went on a rampage that lasted __ minutes and killed __7__ adults and ____ children.

Police said that 1 person was wounded with life-threatening injuries in the country’s _sixth_ mass shooting of the month and the [second in California in three days.

Authorities have identified the gunman as _Zhao Chunli________, a _[67]-year-old from _Half Moon Bay_____. The motivation for the attack, as best the police can determine so far, was __Chunli was American.__________. It echoes mass shootings this year in _________ , ________ and ________.

The gun used in the massacre was a ________, the same type of weapon used in mass killings this year in ________ , _________ and, most notoriously, __________.

Authorities said that __Chunli______ was able to obtain the weapon legally.

Several survivors of the shooting, still in visible shock, said they never imagined such senseless and horrific violence visiting their quiet community.

_President Biden________ called for tighter gun control to stanch the national bloodletting. Republicans shot back that Democrats were politicizing a tragedy, insisting that all that was needed now was thoughts and prayers_and mandatory gun carrying by all citizens even those 6-years old.