Tuesday, May 28, 2024

You lose jurors this way and Blanche has lost jurors plural

Jonah Bromwich
May 28, 2024, 12:11 p.m. ET13 minutes ago
13 minutes ago

Jonah Bromwich Reporting from inside the courthouse

We have no idea what the jurors are thinking and facial expressions are notoriously hard to read. But I thought I saw the foreperson — who sits close to the gallery and has had a skeptical, slightly amused expression on all day — flash a look of disbelief as Blanche argued that the “Access Hollywood” tape was just another difficult day in a campaign full of them.

Maggie Haberman
May 28, 2024, 12:12 p.m. ET11 minutes ago
11 minutes ago

Maggie Haberman Reporting from inside the courthouse

Todd Blanche is now arguing that Stormy Daniels was called to testify in order to inflame the jurors’ emotions and to embarrass Trump. Prosecutors object, but Justice Merchan allows it.

Maggie Haberman
May 28, 2024, 12:10 p.m. ET

Maggie Haberman Reporting from inside the courthouse
Todd Blanche is now arguing the publication of the “Access Hollywood” tape, in which Trump boasted about grabbing women by the genitals, is being portrayed by prosecutors as something it wasn’t: a “doomsday event”...