Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Paper Moon, "Flirtation Walk"

In the car together after the first bible business:

l always knew
someday l'd accompany you
A dream foretold
a story that you would unfold

Only 18' into film, so much has been "foretold" in dialogue and in "background" (as much foreground) music. The screenplay is very "tight" in these 18', it reminds me of the Borat opening. Sometimes it isn't realistic to expect the rest of the work, whether of literature or of film, to remain as tightly scripted. Dickens lost himself many times. In Paper Moon, there is only one scene, but it is lengthy, that I think got away from the screenwriter a bit: the Trixie Delight scam that Addie pulls on Moze. That was too elaborate for a 10 year-old to concoct. It reminded me of the falsely intricate schemes in Huckleberry Finn. As I recall, in the first post I ever wrote on this film, I made the comparison, which, of course, others before me did, to Huckleberry Finn.