Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Paper Moon, Sept. 1, '72 Sargent Draft Screenplay, cont.

"Retake 10/28/72", Moze shoos floozy away from door (p47)

"Retake 10/28", the whole Addie vamp scene. Not mentioned in Sargent's notes to actors is Addie shaking her booty in mirror. That was the most adorable, hilarious part of the entire scene and is the one that audiences roared at in the theater, the most memorable scene in the entire movie to audiences. (p48)


I like "wincing". Moze doesn't wince in the movie. (p 51)...Do I like "wincing"? No, I think no wince is better.

"Retake 11/8" scene where Trixie Delight first appears (p61)

 Lollll. That line was CUT!

(p 71). Exactly half-way through this draft and the first mention that they're not in Mississippi any more, they're in Kansas. They appear to have made the change so abruptly that they didn't excise out all of the Deep South references in the script. The hillbillies were left in; the accents of the extras are so southern, not midwestern. Imogene is still from Troy (Alabama) in the movie. This is very weird!
