Alexander Haig
"Al then told me he felt he was being undercut by other agencies etc. I worry that he has something of a complex about this. Anyway I've arranged that he & I meet privately 3x a week." March 19, 1981.
"Later in day a call from Al Haig, all upset about an announcement that George. B. is to be chairman of the Crisis Council. Historically the chairman is Nat. Security Advisor (Dick Allen). Al thinks his turf is being invaded. We chose George because Al is wary of Dick. He talked of resigning. Frankly I think he's seeing things that aren't there. He's Sec. of St. and no one is intruding on his turf--foreign policy is his but he has half the Cabinet teed off." March 24.
"Awakened at 7:30 by Mike D.--Al Haig again. He called me I told him to meet me in the Oval O. at 8:45. Mike told me Al was talking resignation etc." March 25.
"Al Haig has brought me a case of our Ambassador who is undercutting him..."July 24.
"Al Haig called. Jack Anderson had a column set to go that I was about to fire Haig...I called Jack told him it was false..."November 1.
"Called in Dick Allen & Al Haig and ordered a halt to the sniping..." November 5.
"...gave Al H. his way on Stoessel as replacement for Bill Clark." January 6, 1982.
"Back to office to meet with Jeane Kirkpatrick. She and Al H. have been at each others throats. Later in day met with Al. Bill Clark at both meetings--thank Heaven." May 31.
"The Al H. situation is coming to a head. I have to put an end to the turf battles we're having and his almost paranoid attitude." June 14.
"Today was the day. I told Al H. I had decided to accept his resignation. He didn't seem surprised but he said his differences were on policy and then said we didn't agree on China or Russia, etc...Actually the only disagreement was over whether I made policy or the Sec. of State did." June 25.
This is Public Occurrences.
*See also June 5 and May 29 below.