Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Plague of Trump: Yesterday was a GREAT DAY!

 +’s and -‘s yesterday was a supernova of a day. There has not been a day like it in the seven and one-half days of the Trump Plague. Two hundred twenty-seven people died yesterday. In context that is the Star of Bethlehem of the epidemic’s statistics. Two hundred twenty-seven is the lowest number of Deaths since MARCH 23! That is astounding. The lowest in almost six months. NEVER before have you had to reach back so far, to just after the beginning of the Trump Epidemic to get a lower low. On March 23 there were 189 Deaths. That is just a breath-taking single-day EVENT. 

The NYT 7-day averages round those peaks and valleys down and consequently there is less enthusiasm. The Cases 7-day average has now RISEN for eight iterations and is the highest since the Sept. 6 iteration. The Deaths 7-day average has fallen each day since Sep 15, six straight days. The Sept. 20 7-day average is now as low only as it was on Sept. 10, but that is turning back the clock eleven days. 

The averages do not, for me, obliterate the meaning of Sept 20's Deaths number. Perhaps they should; they put the number in the most accurate context but they don't for me Sept 20 stands alone in the history of the Trump Epidemic. We are back to a daily number we have been at in SIX MONTHS. Sept 20 is also the last day of the weekend reporting lag. Tomorrow we could see ~1,000 new Deaths. But tonight I am celebrating. Do as suits your mind and conscience. To each is own.