Every time I take Eleven to the vet for shots, the ending to A Farewell to Arms involuntarily comes to my mind. The wife and baby both die in child birth and he has to leave their bodies in the hospital and walk home in the rain alone.
You can't spell Hate without H-e-a-t. The Miami "Heat" and LeBron James won the National Basketball Association champio...
Mission Statement
To encourage knowledge of affairs at home and abroad; to cure the spirit of lying which prevails amongst us; to record memorable providences.-Publick Occurrences, September 25, 1690
Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter. Revelation 1:19
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To the original bloggers, the pamphleteers of revolutionary America, and to the original blog, Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick, the first newspaper published in North America on September 25, 1690, it's first and only issue.