Sunday, June 17, 2012

From my son, June 14, 2012 9:40 am:  Love you dads!!

Me, 9:55 am: I love you too son. Was this a random act of kindness?

Son, 10 am: Was just reading about a fest I have to attend on saturday, its called family and fathers fest.  I was reading the info and it said “research shows the po [sentence cut off].

Me, 10:03 am:  Message cut off research shows po…

Son, 10:11 am: …the positive effects on a child when they feel nurtured by their fathers and have a solid sense of involvement and commitment” it just ma…

Me, 10:16: “It just ma…”  I’m liking this so far unless the ending is “It made me feel how much I missed having a dick for a father.”

Son, 10:17:  LOL not even close “it just me think of all the great times we had and how awesome of a dad you are :D”

Me, 10:19:  Oh my God.  That is officially one of the highlights of my life, no joke. Thank you son, I love you so much.

Son, 10:22: Its true dads.  I learned everything from you and I feel so lucky to have you in my life. I deal with so many fatherless kids and I see how important just…

Son, 10:28: …having a dad in your life is.  Thanks for always being there for me dad.

Happy Father's Day everyone.