Sunday, April 26, 2015

White House Correspondents' Dinner.

These are from USA Today's top 10 Obama zingers. The guy is hilarious--such a sense of humor. I cannot dislike the man--I want to strangle him sometimes!--but I love the guy, Sorry! I love him.

"Six years into my presidency, some people still say I'm arrogant and aloof, condescending -- some people are so dumb ... No wonder I don't meet with them."

"Dick Cheney says he thinks I'm the worst President of his lifetime -- which is interesting, because I think Dick Cheney is the worst President of my lifetime ..."

"Being President is never easy. I still have to fix a broken immigration system, issue veto threats, negotiate with Iran -- all while finding time to pray five times a day."

"Bernie Sanders might run. I like Bernie. Bernie is an interesting guy. Apparently some folks really want to see a pot-smoking socialist in the White House -- We could get a third Obama term after all."

"It is no wonder that people keep pointing out how the presidency has aged me. I look so old, John Boehner has already invited Netanyahu to speak at my funeral."

"The polar vortex caused so many record lows, they renamed it "MSNBC."