Sunday, January 24, 2016

"The Way to Stop Trump"-Russ Douhat, New York Times.

Jew even know there was such a thing?

I didn't. Not a'tall.

Mr. Douhat's column yesterday, titled as above, advises somebody, anybody, how to go about it and one of his suggestions concerns dear old Trump U. Worthless degrees at popular prices. Buy Now!

Douhat gives the excellent advice, what I have long called a "boomerang strategy" in the courtroom, what Douhat calls "flipping the brand," of going right at Trump's strengths, principal among them being his gift at salesmanship. Attack Trump, for example, by pointing out that Trump U issued worthless degrees at exorbitant prices, was sued by the State of New York and, 

In October 2014 a New York judge found Trump personally liable for the institution's violation of state education laws.[11]-Wikipedia.

Do that, Douhat says, and you show that that old gold Trump was peddling in Trump U's logo is fool's gold. 

Attacking Trump for his stumpy middle finger to the world? Douhat, Dothat says, and it has no impact on his supporters who actually like him giving a stumpy middle finger to the world. Show that Trump is giving the finger to voters.

Attack Trump with his own snake oil and show him to be a salesman of snake oil:

-His father's "small" million dollar loan to get him started.
-Trump's bankrupt businesses.
-The bailouts that saved Trump personally by rescuing his companies.
-Trying to kick widows out of their homes for his parking lot.
-Trump Mortgage.
-Atlantic City.

Nobody, nowhere likes to get ripped off, nobody like's a snake oil salesman. Do that, Douhat says, and you stop Trump. Douhat, somebody, please.