Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Their Greatest Humiliation: The World Laughing at Trump Supporters

UNITED NATIONS — They laughed.

Not even a minute into the speech. They laughed.

On the planet’s biggest stage, with more than 100 world leaders gathered with their ministers, ambassadors and dignitaries of every stripe, while news cameras from as many countries broadcast the speech in as many languages, they laughed.
"Germany will become totally dependent on Russian energy unless they immediately change course. Here in the Western hemisphere we are committed to maintaining our independence from the encroachment of expansionist foreign powers."

The German delegation's reaction at that moment:

‘People actually laughed at a president’: At U.N. speech, Trump suffers the fate he always feared

“He has always been obsessed that people are laughing at the president. From the mid-’80s, he’s said: ‘The world is laughing at us. They think we’re fools,’ ” said Thomas Wright, a Europe analyst at the Brookings Institution. “It’s never been true, but he’s said it about every president. It’s the first time I’m aware of that people actually laughed at a president. I think it is going to drive him absolutely crazy. It will play to every insecurity he has.”

And they do not have a clue:

"They weren't laughing at me, they were laughing with me. We had fun," Trump said.